$31M to buy new furniture, equipment for Arthurville, Zeelugt primary schools

The sum of $31.7M, part of $24B in supplementary funding being sought by the government, was approved by the Parliamentary Committee of Supply on Tuesday for the procurement of new furniture and equipment by the Ministry of Education.

Subject Minister Priya Manickchand told her colleague Members of Parliament that the two schools to benefit are the Arthurville Primary School on Wakenaam Island, Region Three, and the Zeelugt Primary School, also in Region Three.

Manickchand reminded that the state-of-the-art $84 million Arthurville primary school was officially commissioned in November and with the addition of new modern labs, new furnishing was necessary.

Similarly, in May, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development awarded a contract to the tune of $152,040,045 for the reconstruction of the Zeelugt Primary School.

Source: https://newsroom.gy/2023/12/19/31m-to-buy-new-furniture-equipment-for-arthurville-zeelugt-primary-schools/