…recount likely to move to Region Six today
ACHIEVING the highest number to date, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) closed off Day 12 of the national recount with 60 ballot boxes processed and the official completion of the tabulation process of Region One. This brings the total number of ballot boxes processed to date to 588.
In providing this information to the media on Sunday, GECOM Public Relations Officer (PRO), Yolanda Ward, noted that there were 13 boxes counted from Region Two; 15 from Region Three; 14 from Region Four and 18 from Region Five.
Regarding tabulation, for the General Elections, 543 ballot boxes have been tabulated while 501 have been tabulated for the Regional Elections.
Ward told the media that there are only nine outstanding boxes to be counted for Region Two and therefore the recount of Region Six will likely commence, today, based on the completion of the nine boxes.
The remaining number of boxes to be counted for Region Three is 192; while there are 727 boxes left to be counted in Region Four and 110 in Region Five.
Meanwhile, a certificate has been signed by GECOM and all political parties marking the completion of the tabulation of the 99 ballot boxes belonging to Region One.
Sunday’s recount process went smoothly with no major hiccups noted by stakeholders. Earlier in the day, President David Granger visited the Arthur Chung Conference Centre where he met with Chairman of GECOM, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh; Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield; other senior officials of the Elections Commission and members of the visiting three-member CARICOM scrutinising team.
Later in the afternoon, People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Executive, Anil Nandall, noted that a number of anomalies were still being raised by the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) while APNU+AFC Executive, Aubrey Norton, highlighted to the media a number of irregularities recorded by the party for Region One.
The Commission is still awaiting clearance from the National COVID-19 Task Force with regards to possible additional workstations and will meet again today to discuss recent matters/concerns raised by stakeholders involved.
Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_05_18_2020