Dear Editor
In recent times, we have witnessed and experienced in our country, unimaginable partisan activities and deliberate direct support for one political party during the election, exhibit by foreign envoys. I am alluding to the brazen, presumptuous and deliberate display and disregard for Guyana’s sovereignty and Rule of Law by the ABC countries.
The PPC unmatched and unprecedented level of wickedness and dangerous desperation campaign to regained power has redefined the famous phrase “by any means necessary.”
Since the recount has commenced the world is witnessing firsthand the paramouncy of corruption and fraud committed by known agents and elements of the opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPPC). A political party which the ABC countries have been seen with frequently.
ABC countries, by their actions and inactions have violated international norms, when the openly supported (in action and in words) the PPPC, when they storm the chairman of GECOM’s Office and continue to incite into Guyana’s internal affairs. Some of our own Caribbean colleagues and other foreign power were also compromised. Investigation revealed that they were working in conjunction with the PPPC to rig the elections. Former Prime Minister who led a delegation of observer to Guyana during the election, is one of such person, and also the Russians who were caught in the hotel with the hacking devices in their possession.
It is a wide consensus that if the ABC countries are serious about continuing and advancing international diplomatic relations with Guyana, they must take swift actions and recall those ambassadors and to make amend verbally public and a written apology to the people-led by the government of Guyana. This position should be back solidly by Caricom Member State.
On the 12th December, 1965 at on overseas press club luncheon held in New York, one of Caricom founder, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham said “………….and we hope that eventually, most if not all of the Caribbean territories would accede to this new free trade area. We feel that, it is time for us to develop more positively, a Caribbean realism and to best we start it at the economic level: and we feel that the first stage is the establishment of a free trade area which we expect to be followed in time by a customs union and later by an economic committee which will permit us to rationalize our development and allow for specialization to our mutual advantage in the area, and I should imagine, if I should live long enough that, if we achieve that, we will eventually achieve some sort of political union in the Caribbean.
A number of our countries in the Caribbean recently, have been achieving independence: but independence to small territories can be meaningless unless there is a larger grouping. I feel that when the bigger nations are thinking about organizing themselves into groups,{ABC, EU etc} the least we can do in the Caribbean is to learn that lesson if no other. The lesson of the necessity to organize into larger groups, so as to be able to develop your economy properly and to rationalize your resources….”
The frustrating attempts which is perpetrated by the PPPC and some of our so-called friends, to prevent the swearing in of David Granger, have given rise for Caricom member state to unite as one voice and to condemn any external interference in our domestic affairs.
I, like the majority of other Guyanese both home and in the diaspora know that President David Granger will emerge as the winner once again. The slow advance of a veteran in better than the mad rush of a recruit. Long live the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Long Live HE Brigadier David A. Granger.
Michael Hercules