Our Editor,
THE new political parties that confuted the March 2, 2020 general and regional elections art deeply disappointed at the decision of tbt Chair of GECOM, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh, who derided that only ten ( IO) stations should be established for recounting the votes of the ten regions, as has been derided by GECOM. There bas been announcement of tbt hours of work, but we suggest that there should be two sessions of eight (8) hours each, with out (1) break each for lunch and dinner. With the four months constitutional deadline for the convening of Parliament after its dissolution ending on April 30, GECOM must be seen as making every effort to ensure that Constitution of Guyana is not once again violated.
We urge that more stations should be considered by the Madame Chair and, in any circw11stances, there should be no less than ten (IO). It cannot be consistent with good administration and the Rule of law for more inordinate delays to continue to frustrate the desire of the Guyanese people for an early end to the elections process which started on March 2, and, for all intents and purposes, would have ended on March 4, had the fraudulent activity not taken place that day. The results are now six weeks overdue, and our partners in the international community, including the Commonwealth and the OAS, have noted the delay and urged a speedy resolution.
Having regard to the constitutional deadline, we urge GECOM and the Madame Chair to fix a deadline by which the recount should be completed, so as to assure the nation that Guyana will not once again drift into unconstitutionality.
The public will recall that the Court ruled that the first unlawful declaration of the Returning Officer of Region 4 was made with the involvement of several members of the GECOM Secretariat, and the second declaration is under challenge by an action for contempt of court, which is pending. Having regard to the widely-publicised events surrounding these declarations, it is incumbent on GECOM to exclude the RO for Region 4, and the staffers of the secretariat involved in. these declarations to excluded from involvement in the recount.
A New and United Guyana (ANUG) Change Guyana (CC) Liberty and .Justice Party (UP)
The New Movement
United Republican Party (URP)
Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_e-paper_4-19-2020