27.4 % of ballot boxes recounted

THE Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has completed the recount of 642 out of 2,339 ballot boxes as of Monday, May 18, 2020, representing 27.4 per cent of the process.

Monday marked Day 13 of the national recount and also saw the completion of the recount for Region Two. There was a total of 54 ballot boxes counted, broken down as: Region Two – nine; Region Three – 17; Region Four – 13; Region Five – 12 and Region Six – three.

The Region Six recount commenced following completion of the nine ballot boxes which were remaining in Region Two. GECOM Public Relations Officer (PRO) Yolanda Ward said that today [May 19] the commission will also commence the count for Region Seven.
This was made possible because of the additional workstations permitted at the recount centre, following approval by the National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF). There are two additional stations to be operationalised today, of which one will go to Region Six and one to Region Seven.

Apart from this, the commission has completed the tabulation of 608 ballots from the general elections and 609 from the regional elections. On Sunday [May 17], the full tabulation of Region One was completed and Region Two will soon likely follow suit.
Speaking to completion of tabulation for Region One, Commissioner Alexander said that the tabulation and observation reports will now go to the commission for deliberation.

“On the basis of that deliberation, the commission will decide how it goes forward towards the final and the only declaration which will be made,” he explained. “As the regions become available, those comprehensive reports will be brought to the commission. We’ll have an opportunity, I think, to deliberate district by district.”

The deliberation will determine whether there is any specific action the ,ommission wishes to take, based on the compiled information. Apart from this, Monday’s recount process went fairly smoothly with a meeting of the commission resulting in the decision that anomalies and ballot-stamping issues will be further deliberated upon.

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_05_19_2020