Dear Editor
IT was quite dear that tbt David Granger administration that assumed the mantle of the Executive, as a result of the 2015 national and regional elections, had intended to effect governance of the Cooperative Republic in a completely different manner, opposite to the authoritarian experience of t be regimes of the PPP-C.
This course of action was absolutely carried out in both word and daily actions. For the David Granger administration this meant respect for the rule of law, inherent of which human rights ,of citizens were to [ be ] respected, with the enforcement authorities, for example, being held to professional standards, and accountable for their actions against citizens.
Above all, constitutional organs of state, such as the Judiciary and the Guyana Police force, were now in an era of autonomy and independence of functions, without political interference, as used
to be the desultory experience during the era of PPP/C governance. Many other constitutional bodies were finally granted their own budgets, rather than formerly having to depend on the Executive whims and fancies.
But one must single out the Guyana Elections Commission (OECOM) for very special mention, given tis premier position as the nation’s constitutional body that is tasked with the critical administrative functions of ensuring free, fair and credible elections, inherent of the unfettered exercise of the free will of the people.
There was never a doubt that the president intended that this particular constitutional body was not going to discharge its important constitutional functions in accordance with its constitutional mandate. His pronouncements, ad nauseam, signalled that GECOM was to be allowed to function in a manner which enabled its final discharging of functions to the satisfaction of ALL GUY AN ESE, SINCE IT WAS an agency that was meant to satisfy its constitutional objective, without any form of interference and that this was to have been respected.
Now, fit this commitment by the President within the context of the PPP/C assault on this state electoral system, and one will certainly comprehend its devious, dishonest and fraudulent plots, against a body which only sin is that it has indeed been functioning without intrusion, obstruction and influence from the Executive. In fact, it is this latter position, unswervingly consistent, that has lifted the latter above any attempt of accusation, although there have been some efforts, muted, by a ridiculously frantic PPP/C and its vested interest groups. It further explains why GECOM has since become the target of the most dastardly attacks ever, that begun with the most ridiculous claim of ethnic bias of its employee composition; and its senior staff, as agents of the APNU+AFC, both claims which did not belong to the table of a genuine assessment of the manner of its professional functions.
For the PPP/C, its decision to bring the nation’s electoral vehicle into disrepute was in keeping with its grand contrived design of tearing to shreds its INDEPENDENT ST ANDING AND REPUTATION, affixing it with the unfair label as an agency of electoral fraud. Its incessant demands, unfair for the most part, were also part and parcel to create a wholly false impression of a constitutional body that was both undemocratic and unconstitutional. The PPP/C hid behind such deviancy for its larger end of elections with a bloated list. Its unauthorised criminal invasion of the GECOM command centre at a point when the tabulation process was about to be concluded for declaration of results was the set piece to deceive the international community et al, already prejudiced by the filthy cesspool of the Mercury Lobbyist Firm.
But it has been its relentless, scurrilous and politically scandalous attacks on the person of the distinguished Chairperson, Madame Justice retired Claudette Singh, that has exposed its strategy to destroy the GECOM as a credible constitutional entity for electoral purposes. And this has been done with a coterie of right wing organisations, and a cabal of opportunists whose role of mouthpieces of the Bharat Jagdeo – led PPP/C have reduced them to a level worse than hired mercenaries. Without any fear of contradiction, it is a stirring example of what monies used for politically dishonest ends can bring out in some human beings. And though Guyana has been new to this particular brand of politics, we have surely been made to endure its putridity.
One must give full credit to GECOM for its position of continuing to conclude the March 02 elections, in the most difficult and unfair of circumstances, compounded more so by an opposition who believes that GECOM, as well as other constitutional agencies, are there to carry out its biddings.
Objectively, one bas to see tbt PPP/C’s entire attitude as a well worked out, sinister plan to destroy the constitutional credibility of GECOM TO SATlSFY ITS UISHONEST CLAIMS TO AN ELECTORAL VICTORY WHICH GECOM HAS NOT DECLARED.
Earl Hamilton