Dear Editor
THE Following paragraph is quoted from a Private Sector Commission (PSC) release regarding the Guyana Police Force (GPF). … “the PSC cites the complete failure of the police to prevent mass crowds of the governing party’s political supporters actively harassing and threatening observers, party officials and media professionals in the course of their respective functions, both outside of GECOM and at other places.”
Notwithstanding this well-known umbrella commerce and business arm that comprises elements of friends, cronies and other types who would have benefitted from the proceedings of the criminal state that flourished during the tenure of the PPP/C; and who, naturally, joined that party’s insurgency bandwagon bent on destabilising Guyana in the post-2015 dispensation, this cabal of mostly unconscionable sorts and anti-nationals, has seen it fit to lend its services to the now exposed American lobby firm, Mercury, as it continues its patently fake news, lies and disinformation against the Government of Guyana.
The above quote can only be described as preposterous; an absurdity, that vile and wicked in its evil construct, as it now seeks to tarnish the professionalism of the GPF.
Editor, it is unbelievable that these political mercenaries whose only interests have been about themselves and vested interests, and what they have derived from their association with the PPP/C government, can now turn their attention to a body whose efforts at upholding its dispensation of its duties, acting with great restraint at the scenes of PPP/C attacks on a government minister within the precincts of the Pegasus hotel; and the criminal invasion of the GECOM Command Centre in the early hours of March 05, signalled a law-enforcement body that constrained itself from what should have been relevant postures in dealing with such threatening situations, so as to avoid accusations of heavy- handed tactics against so-called peaceful opposition initiatives which REALLY WERE NOT, but instead were intended to incite public mayhem.
Let the PSC answer as to its abysmal failure in its deafening silence in not condemning the brutal attacks against innocent and defenceless children being driven home from school in a David G school bus. One further wonders, just how more professional could those brave ranks sent to maintain law and order at Bath Settlement could have been, when, despite coming under attack by a politically inspired mob, they took evasive action by firing their weapons into the air, until their ammunition ran out, before running into nearby yards for protection. And is the PSC also, by its collective silence, giving approval to the ill- advised cutlass attack that almost ended the lives of policemen in the line of duty? If this is the PSC’s understanding of professionalism of policemen sent to maintain law and order, being attacked by cutlass wielders, allowing themselves to be hacked to death because of their being in the community that supports the PSC’s political horse, then it is yet another manifestation of the dangerously political convenience of this private sector umbrella body. It is a hypocrisy and double standard that stinks by the hour. But this is the PSC’s moral stance. This is what it stands for. This is its national position.
But concomitantly, one must add the fact that this band of opportunists stands accused of outright political racism, because if such an incident had taken place in another section of the Guyanese community, there would have been instant condemnation from all and sundry, inclusive of the political opportunist types such as the PSC and their Gerry Gouveias.
In mentioning the police’s failure to “prevent mass crowds of the governing party’s actively threatening observers….”, is a desperate attempt to paint the coalition’s supporters as “lawless”; but instead, they must be commended for keeping the peace in the face of the nastiest racist attacks, yet unloaded in this troubled country. It was most despicable to the say the least, yet the coalition supporters have kept their cool, displaying a high level of political maturity and responsibility.
Editor, apart from the fact of coalition party members who gathered in proximity, some metres away from the GECOM Command Centre in the hours following the outrageous assault on GECOM’S autonomy by PPP/C members and their armed death squad thugs, there was a later mass gathering at Coalition House on Lamaha Street, on the railway embankment, where party members sang hymns and other related songs of praise, followed by an address by coalition leader and President. Neither at both sites was there cause for the police to prevent “the mass gatherings,’’ since the supporters were orderly. But here, I should ask, whether the PSC did witness the unprovoked verbal assault on the person of a senior coalition minister by a former PPP/C potentate, who had falsely accused a police rank of physical assault in the National Assembly a while ago? I am certain that it is aware of such an incident.
Yes, during the High Court hearings there were coalition supporters but not “massed,’’ or “harassing’’ and “threatening” any of the observers, party officials etcetera. Instead, there were loud boos, as these persons exited the courts; not the type that matches the description of the baseless PSC’S accusations against assembled coalition members. At least there was adequate police protection at those instances, at all times, in position for any eventuality. But not menacingly and ready to shoot at peaceful gatherings, as was the culture during the Jagdeo and Ramotar regimes.
No one needs to be reminded by the PSC as to whom they represent, since its listing of the business and commerce concerns seems to be done as a show of strength. Such would not solve this nation’s problems, exacerbated by the shameful actions of either some of its components, or its collective whole, in joining the Jagdeo post- 2015 bandwagon. However, its collectivity outlines the divide of the nation and further explains the why of what has continued to occur.
In the meantime, the Guyana Police Force is continuing to have the full cooperation of sensible citizens, conducting its duly appointed mission of maintaining the peace and protecting ALL Guyanese. It is not a force that is functioning under political dictates/directives, as what had obtained prior to May 2015. Had it been, the outcome of the lawless, threatening behaviour that threatened the physical well-being of schoolchildren, policemen and women, ordinary citizens and damage to the public road at Lusignan would have been met with brute force, tear gas and pellets or live rounds.
However, the right to protest and have dissenting views have been respected by the APNU+AFC since 2015
Earl Hamilton