PPP claims of 10,000 votes and $10,000

Dear editor,
I DO know some may view this as premature, but I am so confident that I will say this even before the official results are declared. A massive congratulation to the APNU+AFC government on it’s well deserved election win. I am disappointed with the one-seat majority, since I do believe that the government’s overall performance over the past five years should have been rewarded with at least a three-seat majority. Having said that, a win is a win, not only for APNU+AFC, but for all of Guyana.

The PPP is clearly struggling to accept their second-place position for the third successive year. Presently, they are like headless chickens running around complaining of electoral fraud, rigging and cheating. This is so hypocritical coming from a party of thieves and three-card tricksters. I have arrived at this conclusion after receiving very credible information of the PPP paying for votes in APNU+AFC strongholds. As a result, I did some investigations and was able to identify 10 families who were paid $10,000 per vote. The process to earn this $10,000 was simple. Place your X next to the cup then take a photo as evidence. This image is then sent to the PPP and the $10,000 is secured. Here is the catch. Many persons placed their X next to the cup but ensured that it was done lightly. The photo was then taken as evidence to secure the $10,000. The X next to the cup was then immaculately erased and placed next to APNU+AFC.

The PPP none the wiser, paid up the $10,000 and added that to their SoPs as a vote earned. I do recognise that this was not a scientific poll, but I am confident this was being conducted on a larger scale. It is my opinion that this is the reason why PPP SoPs were different from GECOM’s. They thought that every $10,000 that they paid out would equate to one vote. As a result, they became hot under the collar when GECOM broke the bad news to them that they were duped. They could not believe this; they have the photographic evidence of the vote they paid for. As a result, they rejected the spreadsheet and demanded to see the SoPs. When they saw the SoPs were consistent with the spreadsheets, it was then the penny dropped. This explained why they and their sidekicks parties reluctantly but belatedly requested a recount. They knew the ultimate “betrayal” awaited them in that box, but it was too painful to see it. It also explains why Bharrat Jagdeo was so confident that they had gained 10,000 votes in Region Four compared to 2015. Also, that’s why they were shocked that GECOM’s SoPs indicated that they did not win Sophia.

So now the PPP is complaining of rigging and electoral fraud and able to convince many without an iota of evidence. As a result, I would ask the question, if what they did by paying for votes is not rigging and electoral fraud? I am no lawyer, but it surely sounds that way to me. Bharrat Jagdeo and his gang of three-card tricksters thought they could trick the electorate, but the electorate rightfully fleeced them of the $10,000. PPP were absolutely right that the elections were rigged; they were the ones who did the rigging.

Finally, before I go please let me extend a hearty thank you to Bharrat Jagdeo and his gang of thieves, on behalf of the recipients that were paid $10,000. They have all assured me that they have used it to invest in champagnes which they presently have on ice. They have reported that it is getting a bit hot due to the protracted elections, but that is fine by them. The plan is that when Mr. Granger is sworn in as President, they will have a celebratory popping of the champagnes. Once again, thanks for making this possible. They have reported that without the PPP’s kind intervention they would have had to celebrate with water.

Dr. Mark Devonish

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_e-paper_3-22-2020