GECOM must say if the APNU+AFC evidence of PPP elections fraud is true or not

Dear Editor,

THE APNU+AFC coalition has unearthed, in the ballot recount, a massive PPP voter- fraud scheme and thousands of fraudulent PPP ballots. The Coalition said that with 699 ballot boxes recounted, over 1500 dead people, or people who migrated and were not present in Guyana, were registered as having voted for the opposition PPP in the March 2, 2020 elections.

The PPP initially denied this allegation, and challenged the Coalition to provide the evidence. The Coalition has now provided death certificates and immigrations records to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to establish PPP’s election fraud.

Suddenly, the PPP is crying foul. Their Attorneys, Anil Nandlall and Sase Gunraj, a GECOM commissioner, now claim that GECOM has no power to investigate elections fraud. They have also accused the Coalition government of unlawfully accessing government information to prove fraud. Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, true to form, has threatened to go after employees of the Deaths, Registry and Immigration Division. But no one is scared of PPP threats. These are not the days when people who exposed wrongdoings by the PPP government ended up dead. When persons in the PPP go after people, those enforcers themselves will be dealt with by the long arm of justice.

When the PPP was advocating for the recount, their Attorneys, Anil Nandlall and Douglas Mendes, argued to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, that under Article 161 (1) of the Guyana Constitution and Section 22 of the Election Laws Amendment Act, GECOM has powers to take such action as appears to be necessary or expedient to ensure impartiality, fairness and compliance with the law or inquire unlawful act.
Since March 5, they have accused Region 4’s Returning Officer (RO), Clairmont Mingo, of fraud. This was why they demanded a recount. However, now that PPP fraud has been unearthed, and that evidence has been submitted to GECOM, the PPP has ignited a conflagration. They have had a change of heart. They stunningly now claim that GECOM has no power to investigate elections fraud. Don’t they realise how guilty this asinine contention makes them look? Nonetheless, Bharrat Jagdeo and his PPP minions are not the arbiters of this election. GECOM is! Therefore, they should sit down, and shut up and let GECOM do its work!

Admittedly, though, I’m intrigued by their ‘hold-me-loose-me’, topsy-turvy, discombobulated assertions which are mutating faster than a virus. Why are they so mortally afraid of GECOM examining the evidence of fraud? Isn’t it their allegation of fraud that led to the recount and ballot re-authentication in the first place? Or are they claiming that GECOM is not allowed to investigate PPP fraud?

One would think that if the PPP has nothing to hide and didn’t commit fraud, they should rejoice and encourage GECOM to examine the evidence to clear them of this damning allegation. That’s what innocent people do! The truth is, however, they are not innocent. They are as guilty as sin of election fraud. I continue to argue that the recount is an extra-constitutional process. But it is underway.

So let the full facts come out. I therefore call on GECOM to examine the evidence of fraud provided by the APNU+AFC coalition, and pronounce on whether or not the evidence establishes the irregularities and fraud alleged. Indeed, it was the GECOM Chairman who recently told the Guyanese people, “he who asserts must prove.”
Rickford Burke
