Dear Editor,
TODAY marked 100 days since Guyanese ventured to the polls, as is their democratic right, and exercised their franchise so that Guyana can continue on the path towards development. (A good life for all).
Unfortunately, as I penned this letter, an audit/re-count of an historic General and Regional Elections which was agreed upon through an aide memoire by President David Arthur Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, through the intervention of CARICOM Chair Mia Mottley, Barbados Prime Minister, is in progress at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC).
This is to facilitate and bring a satisfactory closure to the long-awaited results, which ultimately will determine Guyana’s future. As expected, numerous anomalies arose, and continue to surface daily from all the administrative regions that have and are being processed.
Obviously, a paradigm existed, no doubt orchestrated by the PPP and directed by the American lobbyist, Mercury. They used the bloated list of electors as the path to achieve their maligned objective, full control of our vast national resources so that the oligarchs, cronies and cohorts could have the opportunities to delve into the treasury to rape our economy once more.
The PPP, embarking on a diatribe, presumptuously requested a cancelation of the declaration for all 10 regions, which the chair of GECOM held in abeyance, awaiting the completion of the audit/re-count.
The PPP had hoped that GECOM would have been magnanimous, quivered and wavered to their demand.
A tenuous act would have been a viable option for the PPP. Their ulterior motive, not considering the anomalies that they propagated, was to access office and await an election petition.
They pushed to be declared the winner, with the hope that the disputed Region 4 declaration would work in their favour.
Such absurdity is not even beyond the thoughts of a man who built his house upon the sand.
That notion of a PPP victory had already circulated beyond our shores, creating a premature euphoria, especially in Trinidad, a country whose citizens, in no uncertain terms, for lack of a better phrase, exhibited and executed disdainful attitudes towards Guyanese for years.
Such cavorted demonstration obviously exposed the nature of the hidden planned plot to derail our progress, with the intent to oust the Coalition from office at any cost necessary.
The PPP would want us to believe that the Coalition government is the anti-thesis to Guyana’s development. But, unequivocally, our immense resources now will be properly managed, so as to invigorate our economy.
Guyana’s future, projected by the world financial analyst, a rise of approximately 80% GDP, would give the Coalition Government enormous leverage to establish itself as the true party for progress and development, as stated by the President’s “A DECADE OF DEVELOPMENT”. With that accomplishment, such will surely stymie the growth of the PPP.
Guyana has never had to absorb such pain and anxiety for a general election results. Having said that, the discovery of oil no doubt contributed to the rush for power at any cost for the PPP.
The Jedi of the PPP, Mercury, did an exceptional job, with the assistance of the international body, giving rise to the Carter Center’s determination to be present so that the process could be deemed credible.
Such statement, considered disrespectful, was made by the American ambassador. But as the President stated, countries must abide by our rule of law.
COVID-19 is a dangerous and serious disease. Therefore, stern measures had to be implemented, which include the closing of all ports of entry.
The American ambassador vehemently sought re-entry for the Carter Center and International Republic Institute teams for the purpose of authenticating the process.
However, the President iterated the important role CARICOM has played as the main representative for the community. It is already known that the elections are seriously flawed, therefore being free, fair, and credible is not a foregone conclusion.
Finally, it would be remiss of me to not express my opinion as to the consequence for this electoral fraud, maliciously perpetrated by the egregious PPP.
I will expect that GECOM, anomalies being proven, along with the GPF, will work assiduously and haul those responsible before the courts as an example to prevent future occurrences. Such an act can cause an anarchy, for People’s lives matter.
Deryck Griffith