…calls for shared governance, recommits to constitutional reform
THE Alliance For Change (AFC) has said that it will respect the ruling of the Court, and is willing to consider shared governance.
The Party, besides recommitting to constitutional reform, said in a press statement on Monday: “GECOM is the only constitutional authority empowered to independently supervise elections, and therefore we will abide by its rulings and declarations. Perceived anomalies in tabulations should not render an entire constitutional institution dysfunctional. There are available legal mechanisms for correcting these anomalies through fact and evidence-based proceedings. Any aggrieved party must utilize those proceedings in order to prevent a breakdown of law and order in our beloved country.
“The AFC also reaffirms its faith in the Courts as a main constitutional pillar for dispassionately dispensing justice. The Party is committed to respecting the decisions of the Court and calls on all Guyanese to do so.
“Further, the Party welcomes the presence of regional and international observers and representatives of friendly states and asks that they too respect the constitutional right of Guyanese citizens to access established legal and constitutional mechanisms for settling disputes.
“The AFC remains confident that the APNU+AFC Coalition was victorious in the elections and expect the final declarations and rulings to confirm that. In light of the current tense political environment the AFC believes that regardless of the final declarations of GECOM and the rulings of the Courts to come, it is incumbent on our national leaders on both sides of the political divide to take bold and decisive action in the interest of achieving national unity, healing and reconciliation. A repeat of our bitter history of post elections violence and the propensity for ethnic conflicts must be avoided at all costs.
“The AFC holds the view that Guyana is at a moment in history when a concerted effort must be made to rid our country of its protracted and debilitating ethnic divisions. No Government can be oblivious to this difficult but necessary mission. The Party therefore calls on our national leaders to immediately commence talks in good faith to achieve those objectives of unity, healing and reconciliation. The AFC has authorised its leaders to actively participate in that critical exercise.
“To this end, the Alliance For Change maintains that following the completion of all legal and constitutional proceedings, it is imperative that the Party that is legally empowered to form the next government must show magnanimity and accede to an agreed governance arrangement that involves shared governance, national unity and constitutional reform.
“The AFC proposes that, at a minimum, the proposed talks should include arrangements for:
• • A Government of National Unity for a mutually-agreed defined period
• • A census and national registration exercise to be undertaken and completed within the life of the national unity government
• • Constitutional reform to be pursued and completed within the life of the national unity government, which must include a reform of our electoral system
“The AFC is committed to this pathway. The Party calls on all political parties, civic leaders and indeed all citizens to go beyond the recurring political rhetoric and open avenues to achieve national unity. This will certainly avoid the potential for imminent racial violence.”
Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_e-paper_3-31-2020