An unjust attack on Chairwoman, Justice Singh

Dear editor,

So the geriatric junior attorney who has been in hibernation, exhausted from his recent racial diatribe against H.E. President Granger, has finally arisen but still bothered by uncontrollable ranting and barking, like that of a rabid canine. On this occasion, his barking, but thankfully no bites, are directed at the honourable GECOM Chairwoman, Justice (ret’d) Claudette Singh. Unsurprisingly, for someone with his limited understanding of the law and no credibility after he abandoned his client, Glenn Lall, he was able no spell injunction albeit not understand the meaning of it. As a highly-trained medical doctor but not a lawyer, I do recognise that an injunction simply means, full stop. Stop whatever the injunction says you should not do or you can be charged for contempt of court and be dumbed in jail at a time when the courts are shut for at least a month. Look, that may be a part of Chris’ bucket list, but I’m sure it’s not one of the retired Judge and now Chairwoman of GECOM, fantasies.

So the geriatric, grey hair and alopecia junior attorney wrote a missive titled, “I find it hard to be convinced that GECOM Chair is not playing the games of APNU+AFC.” Of course it was published in the PPP local news outlet, Stabroek News. We all know that Chris has labelled himself as many things: accountant, lawyer, oil and gas consultant, politician. In essence, Chris has proven himself, a jack of all trades but a master of none. Now he has anointed himself with a new title, Psychic. The fact is that APNU+AFC has been absolutely silent as this electoral process is taken through its paces. Therefore, the only way that APNU+AFC could have been communicating with the Madam Chair is via telepathic means. We do know dogs are ultra-sensitive compared to us humans, but I am not so sure that biologically, Chris is in that grouping.

So now the geriatric junior attorney’s new baby gripe is the decision of GECOM to await the court ruling before they take any action as it pertains to the election. We all know that GECOM is constrained by an injunction and the legal concept of sub judice, but not Chris. The ‘not fit and proper’ Chris, who describes the Chairwoman as invisible and ineffective, stated that, “GECOM has very wide powers regarding the conduct of elections.” The geriatric and junior attorney got that right, but what he forgot after his quick google search is that GECOM does not have wide powers to break the law or disregard injunctions. I know that will take some time to get into Chris’ head but I’m a very patient tutor, I’ll wait.

And you would have thought that Chris would have taken the fifth after multiple legal blunders, but absolutely not. He is now recommending that while GECOM is under injunction, they can carry out a full internal invention. Chris they can’t. They just can’t. What are they investigating? Who would be the investigators? What would be the TOR? Who would be the witnesses? And therein lies the problem Chris. The very witnesses are providing evidence in court. They cannot simultaneously provide evidence to GECOM or they will be guilty of sub judice. The point, Chris, is that if an organisation has a matter that is before the courts, they would sensibly place internal investigation on hold for that very reason. Also during the court case, new evidence may arise which can inform the company’s internal investigations. Good reasons to wait Chris. I’m so glad that you were not made GECOM chair.

Then the foolish Chris is recommending that Mingo be relieved of his duties without due process. The psychic Chris, with canine senses, has smelt fraud in GECOM. He has not provided an iota of evidence of same but is essentially indulging himself in echolalia, which is characteristic of parrots. Chris heard others saying fraud and he just went about repeating it like a green wing parrot. Chris you can’t terminate the contract of an employee without due process or you can be taken to a tribunal for wrongful dismissal. Chis that process can be costly hence the reason why companies have competent lawyers to advise them and not geriatric junior attorneys.

The ‘not fit and proper’ Chris, like a green wing parrot indulges himself once again in echolalia. He heard others saying that Ulita Moore is an APNU+AFC candidate and he just went about repeating it like a green wing parrot. The fact is that APNU+AFC list of candidates is public and all Chris needs to do is to peruse it. What he would discover is that Ulita Moore is not an APNU+AFC candidate. She is a private citizen just like Cedric Richardson and Anil Nandlall’s driver.

So, after reading Chris’ post-hibernation missive, I do have to wonder if he has completely awakened. The content and construct of the letter is suggesting that he is a deep somnolent state, with Rapid Eye Movement (REM) inducing nightmares. Chris is still stuck in the apaan jaat era, hence he feels that only the dominantly Indo-Guyanese PPP has a right to utilise the court. Ulita Moore, an Afro-Guyanese should not enjoy that right. Like his geriatric mate, Ralph Ramkarran, he is once again bordering on the perception of being racist. Ralph had no qualms with Anil Nandlall’s driver being able to pay for the services of expensive lawyers or Cedric Richardson being able to pay for the services of expensive lawyers to the level of the CCJ, but Ulita Moore’s source of income and lawyers’ fees they both question. Also those PPP clients were labelled as private citizens, but Ulita Moore is tagged to the political party she supports.

Concerningly, the language that Chris used to describe Justice Singh can be perceived and should be condemned, as sexist. In my opinion if this geriatric junior attorney has any sense of decency, self-respect and dignity, he would simply, quietly return to his hibernating hole. This somnolent state, that he is clearly lacking, may not only go a long way in re-establishing those damaged neuronal connections, but may very well protect him from the deadly Coronavirus.

Dr. Mark Devonish
