Canadian envoy has crossed the line

Dear Editor,
A few days ago, I watched Mr. Enrico Woolford’s interview with the Canadian High Commissioner, Ms. Lilian Chatterjee.  This interview was aired on national television for all the world to see and hear. Ms. Chatterjee’s posture throughout the interview leaves much to be desired. Her comments raise questions as to whether she has a full understanding of her role, as a diplomat assigned to an independent sovereign nation.

Unless you had prior knowledge that Chatterjee was a member of the foreign diplomatic community, you could not have assumed or contemplate this to be a fact, based [on] her display during the interview.  There was nothing diplomatic about Ms. Chatterjee’s demeanor. In fact, throughout the interview, she came off as being snobbish who appeared to have embroiled herself into Guyana’s domestic political affairs. We have seen GECOM commissioners complained about her actions at the GECOM office on March 3rd. Many Guyanese have expressed their dissatisfaction with her actions on that day, however, my opinion of her was solidified after seeing the Woolford interview.

During the interview with Mr. Woolford, Ms. Chatterjee said a lot of things that were undiplomatic. However, the most disrespectful moment during that interview was her blunt refusal to apologise for the “frivolous” comment she made about the Ulita Moore case. Prior to the Woolford interview, Ms. Chatterjee decided that she had more authority than the Appeal Court of Guyana. So, she decided that a case that the Appeal Court entertained (The Ulita Moore Case) was “frivolous.” What audacity! Chatterjee’s “frivolous” comment demonstrated that she does not understand her role as a diplomate or that she simply believes that she can disrespect the Guyanese people at her will.

During that interview, the Canadian High Commissioner was given several opportunities to apologise to the people of Guyana for her comment and each time she refused. In fact, I was shocked to hear her boldly state “NO” when asked if she wishes to apologise. I was speechless! By her actions, Ms. Chatterjee seems to be saying to Guyanese that she can care less about what they think about her disregarding their judicial system. Her comments and ensuing posture amount to a grave insult and disregard for the government of Guyana, the people of Guyana and the institutions that help to preserve democracy in Guyana. Ms. Chatterjee ought to have known that the Guyanese people find her “frivolous” comment to be highly offensive, but clearly, she did not care. Is this the way a diplomat behaves! Her attitude throughout the interview seemed abrasive and grossly undiplomatic!

What was also very disturbing about Ms. Chatterjee’s comments during that interview was her remark that she is “friends” with “David and Sandra”, referencing the president of Guyana and his wife.  Her decision to insert this caveat into the comments when she was being asked to apologise for her “frivolous” comments seems to be deliberate. It appeared that her motive was to suggest to Guyanese that because she might be friends with the president and his wife, whom she decided to call by first names, provides her the latitude to say and do as she pleases. This thinking amounts to a boldface assault on the intelligence of the Guyanese people. It is perplexing that the Guyana government has not yet place a formal request with the Canadian government to have Ms. Chatterjee recall. Her “frivolous” remarks amount to a direct attack on the judicial arm of the state. I am therefore, surprised that, to date, the usually vocal Bar Association has not issued a statement to condemn her actions.

I am also amazed that the “all involved” Private Sector Commission remains mute on this matter. It is also disappointing that the “press ready” opposition PPP refused to denounce Chatterjee’s attack on the nation’s democracy. Remaining mute on such a fundamental attack on Guyana’s democracy is not how we “guard democracy.” Chatterjee’s disrespect for the judicial arm of the state crosses political sides. Whether you are in the corner of the opposition or the governing parting you ought to be outraged by her obvious insult. An attack on the judicial branch of the state is an attack on all Guyanese.

She has abandoned her diplomatic training and has clearly embroiled herself into the local political controversies. Her pronouncements, during the interview, regarding Canada’s assistance to get the CARICOM team to Guyana to observe the recount process, does not provide an additional opportunity to her to expand her intrusion into the domestic political affairs of Guyana. Ms. Chatterjee has demonstrated a brazen contempt for the Guyanese people whom she seems to believe are a bunch of dupes, but I guess she has not done her research prior to taking up her assignment in the country.

Her blatant political inference seems to have no bounds. So, on Saturday May 15, 2020, a social media account in her name and bearing her photo came to my attention. Under this account, Ms. Chatterjee took to social media to attack the Guyana government. I wonder if she has adopted a policy of conducting diplomacy by tweet, maybe that is her level. So, at 19:42 pm Saturday, Lilian Chatterjee took to her twitter account and posted her anti-Guyana Government sentiments regarding the Carter Center.

Which diplomat worth his/her salt, will do this! Doesn’t Chatterjee understand the concept and purpose of diplomatic channels! This woman seemed to have also appointed herself GECOM’s spokesperson on this matter; a total misunderstanding of her diplomatic portfolio. What was clear in Chatterjee’s twitter political commentary is that she sought to believe that, for some reason, the CARICOM Team is somehow given some kind of preferential treatment that the Carter Center is entitled to. Herein lies the political damage and fall out she might be desperately trying to create and promote. This appears to be a flagrant attempt at stirring up political mischief.

Hence, I conclude that perhaps Chatterjee’s seeming acute interest in meddling in Guyana’s internal politics may have connection to a more sinister motive. Guyanese must therefore ask, what political interest does Ms. Chatterjee have in Guyana, as there is nothing diplomatic about her actions. Clearly, she seems to have partisan or selfish political interest. Guyana, over the years, has had a long and healthy diplomatic relationship with Canada. However, it appears that Lilian Chatterjee’s mission is to ruin that relationship, especially while the APNU-AFC government is in power and during this period of political tension. I also noted that in Ms. Chatterjee’s twitter diplomacy, she took the decision to tag the local media to her anti-Guyana Government twitter post. What diplomat engages in such bold face political malice! Guyanese are a peaceful, hospitable people who roll out the red carpet to welcome diplomats and visitors alike.

However, they will not stand idly by and watch those that they welcome take advantage of their hospitable nature. This disrespect must be of concern to all, as some matters are apolitical and must be treated that way. Lilian Chatterjee must know that Guyana is an independent, sovereign nation. I am quite sure she would not dare refer to the US judicial system as “frivolous”. So, if she cannot display her ignorance in a country like the US, she must understand that similarly, she must be equally respectful to Guyanese. Maybe, it is time that the Guyana government make a formal request to the Canadian government to have Ms. Lilian Chatterjee recalled.

Lurlene Nestor
