Category: Guyana Chronicle

‘It’s all up to GECOM’

…President asserts GECOM’s sole role in determining recount…restates commitment to non-interference into commission’s work…says Caricom team must abide by constitution THOUGH agreeing to have a high-level team from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) supervise a recount of the votes cast during the March 2 General and Regional Elections, President David Granger says the proposed initiative must […]

Beware the neo colonialists

Dear Editor, Please allow me to give my views on the recent happenings in Guyana in relation to our elections. While I will restrain myself from commenting on the elections themselves, my main focus will be on the aftermath, especially as it relates to the involvement of the Observers and the various envoys. Watching from […]

Why are ABCEU countries suddenly tight-lipped?

Dear Editor,PERMIT me space to openly call out the ABCEU countries on their lack of SWIFT response to the violence perpetrated against women during this post-election debacle. One would believe that these countries’ representatives would pen statements condemning these attacks with the same expediency that they have been forwarding PPP talking points. The most recent […]

When guests overstay their welcome

By Melina Harris  All the  world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players”- William Shakespeare, As You Like It. Our recent elections drama bas illuminated some concerning aspects of Guy­ana’s place on the world stage. As a young democ­racy and former colonial nation, the heavy involvement of the international community in our […]

What about justice for Guyanese who suffered under the PPP

Dear Editor, IT continues to upset me that the calls for democratic values have fallen on deaf ears when it comes to obtaining justice for the alleged past misdeeds under the PPP/C government.The OAS, Canadian, American, British and EU government and non-governmental organisations have spoken about veiled threats of sanctions and “isolation” as a response […]

‘We have clean hands in this matter’

– Harmon says ‘no finger’ has been pointed to APNU+AFC about alleged electoral fraud THE incumbent A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition has said that it respects the independence and authority of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), and while some stakeholders might want to “interfere” in the work of the […]

TCI presidential candidate decries Mingo’s ‘counting methodology’

THE Citizenship Initiative (TCI) has accused Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, of dereliction of duty during the counting of votes for Region Four on Friday. TCI, in a release, said glaring discrepancies in the process have rendered the final results an unreliable and inaccurate indicator of the will of the people. Throughout this process, […]

Sanctions are made of sterner stuff

In light of the word ‘sanctions’ being used as a political talking point to achieve the aims of the machinations by anti-government forces, it behooves those who know this issue to set the record straight. Sanctions are not applied on the flimsiest of excuses. My research has led me to the conclusion that it is […]

‘National recount of votes likely’

…President, Opposition Leader agree to recounts for all 10 regions– CARICOM to field high-level team to supervise recounts By Navendra Seoraj PRESIDENT DAVID GRANGER and Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo have agreed to a recount of the ballots in all ten Administrative Regions.Although the onus is on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to grant […]