Category: Guyana Chronicle

Protestor who attacked police shot dead

A PEOPLE’s Progressive Party (PPP) protester at Cotton Tree Public Road, West Coast Berbice (WCB), was shot dead by police after he was seen chopping two other policemen who fled after their ammunition was finished while trying to disperse party supporters angered at the declaration of results for Region Four before verification.Dead is Sewdat Hansraj, […]

Min. Broomes visits school children hit during Bath protests

MINISTER within the Ministry of the Presidency with responsibility for youth affairs, Simona Broomes, on Saturday, visited the four school children and two police officers who were injured on Friday, following protests at Bath Settlement West Coast Berbice. The Minister of Youth Affairs stopped at several homes along the West Coast of Berbice where the […]

‘I thought I was going to die’

….say police sergeant who was brutally beaten and chopped by PPP protesters  By Nafeez.a Y:ahya  POLICE Sergeant, Punit lbaran, 42, of East Berbice Corentyne and stationed at the Blairmont Police Station in West Berbice, is thankful for being alive following a life-threatening experience with protesters in the village of Cotton Tree Friday evening. lbaran and […]

Guyana’s democracy and sovereignty under threat by domestic extremists and foreign enablers

Dear EditorTHE events that have unfolded over the past four days at GECOM is nothing short of an assault on Guyana’s democracy and sovereignty. It is tantamount to treason that the People’s Progressive Party’s presidential candidate, general-secretary and accompanied by men with guns barged into GECOM in the wee hours of the morning. On March […]

GECOM urged to fulfill legal, statutory obligations

-as NGOs, Catholic Bishop condemn violence, call for peace NON-GOVERNMENTAL Organisations (NGOs), social activists and even the Roman Catholic Bishop, Francis Alleyne, have called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to fulfill their “legal and statutory” obligations to ensure that a transparent and credible electoral process is held. Over 600,000 Guyanese were eligible to vote […]

GECOM didn’t deny credible, transparent process– it was interrupted in completing same

Dear EditorEVIDENTLY, GECOM did not seek to deny a credible and transparent process. It was violently interrupted in its effort to complete same. Guyana is a country governed by laws which empower GECOM to conduct electoral proceedings without interference by internal and /or external forces (invited or uninvited) disrupting the smooth flow and conclusion of this process. The Laws of […]

Final report of elections prepared

…chief elections officer writes chair for meeting before declaration Chief Elections Officer, Keith Lowenfield has prepared the final report of last week’s general and regional elections and has invited the commission to meet to discuss it before a declaration is made. Sase Gunraj a PPP commissioner at GECOM released an email sent to commissioners by […]