Category: Guyana Chronicle

‘Hear us! Respect our Constitution!

APNU+AFC Georgetown supporters tell regional community that CCJ has no jurisdiction on current elections case By Lisa Hamilton  APNU+AFC protesters, from various parts of the country, took to the streets on Monday morning, ahead of the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ’s) decision, expected on Wednesday, to make clear their position that the Court bas no […]

Consequences of Jagdeo’s politics still being felt

Dear Editor DURING the 23-year reign of terror of the PPP/C, Bharrat Jagdeo was the Minister of Finance for about six years, President for 12 years, and de facto President for for years. During that time, the state was criminalised, corruption was rampant, money laundering was the norm, narco trafficking was permitted, extra-judicial killings were frequent, many […]

Any outcome that disregards Guyana’s sovereignty could severely impact CARICOM

– PM Nagamootoo says “GUYANA’s sovereignty is on trial” was how Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo commented on the hearings before the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) of an appeal from a decision of the Guyana Court of Appeal. In his weekend column, My Turn, the Prime Minister described, as spurious, the petition by the political […]

Shame on the PPP and Mercury Public Affairs!

– for the mudslinging of fabricated propaganda Dear Editor, CAN someone explain why is Mercury Public Relations LLC disseminating unofficial election results to various members of the American government? Isn’t this a form of electoral misconduct on behalf of the PPP? This is the link: Open Secrets have released documents which disclose that Mercury […]

President Granger has been vindicated

The Guyana Court of Appeal on Sunday banded down its ruling in the cast brought by Ulita Moore regarding the decision to invite CARICOM to participate in a re­count of the ballots cast at the March 2, 2020 elections. Understandably, the parties involved have all spun the ruling to suit their political agendas. However, in […]