Category: Guyana Chronicle

GECOM delivered

Dear Editor,“IT was a grand day.” So says the GECOM Chair. That I agree with her.   Quiet, peaceful and calm, except for a few hiccups and skirmishes. GECOM delivered, as it said it would. Kudos to Madam Chair, Commissioners, CEO and all staff for a job well done. We now await the results.  We are confident […]

Electoral process was free and fair

–results must be respected Dear Editor,THE Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), having observed the electoral process at some Polling Stations in parts of Regions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10, has found it, despite some minor hiccups in a few instances, to be free, fair and transparent. Overall, voters were able to cast their ballots in […]

Elections the Parliament and our people

PARLIAMENT (the legislative branch of government) continues to be the nation’s highest decision-making forum. It comprises representatives from each of the 10 administrative regions and those at the national level, in what is referred to as the national top-up list. It is the forum that makes decisions that are national in character, engages in debates […]

Elections took place in deeply polarised environment

EU observers MONDAY’S General and Regional Elections took place in a deeply-polarised environment, the  European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) Chief, Urmas Paet, s:aid while noting that though the election was ,nil managed by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), there were some inconsistencies at the of level polling stations. “(The] voting process was well […]

Changes needed at GECOM

Dear Editor,I write once again to highlight the poor criteria used for the selection of the Commissioner and their Chief Elections Officer who are totally out of their depth when dealing efficiently with these matters of national importance, and woefully inadequate in their preparation and administration of this exercise. Can you imagine that because the […]

Carter center notes generally smooth elections

In its preliminary observation of Guyana’s 2020 Guyanal and Regional Electrinos, The Carter Center said that while the electoral process is generally progressing smoothly, there were some noteworthy hiccups along the way.  The Center held a press conference on ‘Wednesday at the Pegasus Hotel to update the media on the post and current elections observation […]

APNU+AFC wins Region 7

The A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) won Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) in both the General and Regional Elections, the District’s Returning Officer, Glendon Fredericks, declared on Wednesday. In the General Elections, the APNU+AFC secured 4,817 votes while its main opponent – the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) raked in 3,720. Unlike other […]

‘We need a word today’

…APNU+AFC gives GECOM deadline to respond to irregularities….says several lists of migrated voters were sent to electoral body for probe THE APNU+AFC has stated that the party expects a response from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) by today June 5, 2020 on how it will treat with a mountain of alleged irregularities uncovered during the […]

Ramkarran parrots the PPP/C line; not interested in electoral propriety

Dear Editor It was about two weeks ago, that Irfaan Aly, Presidential Candidate of the PPP/C, and Sase Gunraj, one of the PPP/c party’s serving GECOM commissioners, who both then described the emerging electoral anomalies, discrepancies, and irregularities  as ‘’immaterial’’ and ‘’inconsequential”, respectively. If memory is a guide, these two descriptions were about the first […]