Category: Guyana Chronicle

Respect our rights as a sovereign nation

Dear Editor, AS the world watches, waits and hopes to see if Guyana, and by extension the government which has won the elections, will cower, buckle and give up its victory to satisfy the interests of the “international community” comprising only of the ABCE countries, of allowing the defeated PPP/C to become the illegitimate government […]

My side, your side and the truth

Dear Editor,AS the world pivots on a pandemic that has befuddled sophisticated medical communities worldwide, rendered governments including the US, the UK, Canada, and the fractured European Union woefully underprepared, and ground much of the world to a halt, Guyana’s health is further compromised not by its government response to the Coronavirus but by a […]

‘No jurisdiction’ | High Court throws out PPP’s challenge to Mingo’s declaration

…Justice Holder says court has no jurisdiction to hear case By Svetlana Marshall HIGH Court Judge Franklin Holder on Tuesday ruled that the Court has no jurisdiction to hear an application filed by Leader of the Opposition Bharrat Jagdeo and Reeaz Holladar to set aside the second declaration made by Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont […]

Democracy will Prevail

Democracy will Prevail! Dear Editor,  FROM its inception, electoral democracy bas al­ways hem based upon the will of the majority. So it has been for centuries and so it will be for eons. Societies in which this system obtains, have always ac­cepted this reality. Today, they constitute what is now regarded as the free world.  […]

President Granger and Leader of the Opposition need to take responsibility and let’s move on

Dear Editor,I SPENT the past two weeks reflecting deeply, and moreso last weekend, reflecting on the negative impact of our leadership, both past and present; and I have concluded that our men have failed us as leaders, and President David Granger and the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo are continuing to fail us. Our […]

Court of Appeal upholds CJ ruling

…grants 24-hour stay By Svetlana Marshall IN a unanimous decision on Thursday, the Court of Appeal, in upholding the judgment of the High Court, ruled that there can be no challenge to the legality of the National Recount or the decision of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to set aside the 10 Declarations made in […]

Coalition firm on valid votes for declaration

…expresses disappointment with Court of Appeal ruling CAMPAIGN Manager of the APNU+AFC, Joseph Harmon, said on Thursday that his party is disappointed with the ruling of the Court of Appeal as it believes that the judgements were not “sound in law”. On the other hand, General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Bharrat […]