Category: Guyana Chronicle

GCCI writes President Granger

– PSC calls for GECOM to proceed with declaration IN light of the decision of Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire that the results of the General and Regional Elections must be declared based on the data generated during the National Recount, the Private Sector Commission (PSC), the leading advocate for the private sector in Guyana, […]

Democracy has won another battle but the struggle still wages on

Dear Editor,DEMOCRACY has won another battle but the struggle still wages on. A struggle the incumbent-sanctioned government seems to be enjoying on a daily basis. These unfortunate events have taken a massive toll on our nation’s identity and economy. We are now on the agenda for discussion in the international community conferences, not because of […]

Clarity, professionalism and national interests

Dear Editor, CHIEF Justice Roxanne George has been a beacon of fairness, maturity and professionalism whenever she has had to sit and hear matters relating to the almost five-month electoral process in Guyana. She’s heard it all, from ‘substantial compliance’ to ‘alternative positions’, but has remained unbent, and has delivered some astute, clear rulings on […]

Elections 2020: Appeal justifiable

..Dr. Hinds says High Court ruling in Elections case has left many questions By Svetlana MarshallPOLITICAL Scientist, Dr. David Hinds, in supporting the move to appeal the High Court’s decision in the latest elections case, said the judgment of Chief Justice (ag) Roxane George-Wiltshire failed to adequately address critical issues linked to the national recount […]

‘Appeal filed’

… 23 instances cited where High Court erred in its judgement on the 2020 Elections By Svetlana Marshall ONE day after the High Court upheld the national ecount and simultaneously ruled out the possibility of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) relying on the March Declarations to declare the results of the General and Regional Elections, […]

Tucville voter to challenge High Court ruling on recount, March declarations

…GECOM Chair, CEO agree to stay electoral process should appeal be filed By Svetlana Marshall DISSATISFIED with the High Court’s decision to uphold the National Recount, lawyers for Tucville Voter Misenga Jones have vowed to appeal the decision no later than today. In issuing her judgment in the case, Misenga Jones v the Guyana Elections […]

Parties react to CJ’s ruling

By Lisa Hamilton  THE People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) bas welcomed the ruling of the High Court that the result.of the 2020 General and Regional Elections must be based on the national recount data while the APNU+AFC bas expressed it s disappointment.  In an address to the public on Monday afternoon, PPP/C presidential can­didate lrfaan Ali […]

Linden man charged, makes bail

– for allegedly threatening to kill GECOM Chair, her entire household A LINDEN man who allegedly threatened to kill Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, was on Monday charged with the offence, but granted bail in the sum of $500,000. Appearing before Magistrate Wanda Fortune at the Linden Magistrate’s Court, […]