Category: Guyana Chronicle

National dialogue needed urgently– PM Nagamootoo says

GUYANA’s unorthodox 2020 General and Regional Elections have proved, undeniably, the need for Guyana’s political leaders to have serious discussions about shared governance, constitutional reform and electoral reform, sooner rather than later. This is a position shared by many, including Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo who endorsed these and other needed changes in the Sunday column, […]

It’s a done deal

Min Raphael Trotman said that CEO’s report cannot be rescinded  Disgruntled parties must take up election petition after declaration as CCJ ruled “TIU: CEO, once be tenders that advice and that report under Section 96 of the Representation of the People’s Act, it cannot be undone and it can’t be changed or replaced and whatever […]

GECOM chair must declare results of the elections

Dear EditorON Saturday Guyana’s Chief Elections Officer Mr. Keith Lowenfield submitted the elections results to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). The lawful process, as promulgated in Section (96) the Laws of Guyana Chapter 1:03 – The Representation of the People Act, must ensue with dispatch to bring this elections impasse to an end. The Caribbean-Guyana […]

Embrace evidentiary truth of the election

Say professor sir Hilary Beckles REGIONAL Scholar, Professor Sir Hilar Beckles, urged Guyana not to delay the declaration and imple­mentation of the March 2 election’s result any further, and contended that the country :should work towards sustaining the multiracial society.  “The people have spoken. And so has the highest court. From the 2019,2020 electoral campaign […]

ELECTORAL numbers face their ultimate verification and test of credibility in the court of law

This is the electoral season of numbers, spreadsheets and tables; they are everywhere. This numerical deluge is being driven by the high political passions due to the just concluded general and regional elections. In this context, numbers are being thrown around in the service of political interests. In the course of this occurrence, invariably, confusion […]

‘Crucial meeting of GECOM today’

….to examine CEO report, possible declaration–commissioners hope for amicable solution in spite of contrasting views As on many previous occasions, Commissioners of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) will be heading into what could possibly be their last meeting prior to a declaration, in spite of their disparate views on what should be done. Ultimately, what […]

The CCJ Ruling: Unintended Consequences

WHAT a difference a few days could make in a journey that has lasted over four months. On Wednesday last, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) handed down what many consider to be a defining decision. First, the CCJ was asked to determine whether it had jurisdiction to hear a case which emanated from the […]

Small parties urge swift declaration

criticise CEO for delavs SEVERAL of the small parties that participated in the March 2, 2020 elections on Friday urged a swift declaration of the results of the polls, even as they criticised the chief Elections Officers for holding up the process.  On Friday, the CEO, Keith Lowen field, instead of submitting an Elections Report, […]