Category: Guyana Chronicle

Definitely not the way forward

Dear Editor,  PEACEFUL protests certainly cannot include violently attacking a school bus that gives the service of transporting schoolchildren to and from their homes, and at­tacking officers of the law sent to maintain law and order in a rather bostile environment, as sadly bas been the case in a section of the West Coast Berbice […]

‘De-escalate the tension!’

– Bhagwan, Kwayana put responsibility in politicians’ hands POLITICAL activists Moses Bhagwan and Eusi Kwayana have called on the country’s political leaders to take proactive steps to deescalate the tense post-elections climate in the country. The men stated, in a joint letter on Monday, that if such steps are not taken Guyana runs the risk […]

Are there two standards of western democracy?

Dear Editor,A JOURNEY downtown on March 3, 2020, the day after national and regional elections were held, revealed the closure of many commercial buildings, while others were still open, conducting business in a general environment that had no feeling or semblance of post-election tension. In fact, business was good, as persons continued to purchase their […]

ACDA: Recount results cannot be validated

THE African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) has pointed out that the national recount, riddled with irregularities, puts the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) in the same position it was previously in when it could not make a final pronouncement on the elections due to a lack of transparency. In a release to the media on […]

‘No winner declared as yet’

– Jagdeo admits more processes to follow– recount process still at stage 2 CELEBRATING victory at this stage of the national recount process is premature, and even the People’s Progressive Party/C Civic, which previously did such, has come to realise that the four stages of the process must be respected. The recount shows the PPP/C […]

Jagdeo now tells supporters not to attack GECOM chair

AFTER months of verbal abuse, Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, has now called on his supporters to stop attacking the character of the chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission, Justice Claudette Singh. Both Jagdeo’s party and his supporters had been brutally critical of Justice Singh and have often referred to her in derogatory terms. Besides, Justice […]