Category: Guyana Chronicle

Concede to what, Concede to whom ?

… Harmon says President would not be conceding … points to CEO’s report which gives APNU+AFC victory on valid votes By Lisa Hamilton PERSONS calling £or President David Granger to “concede” when the Chief Elections Officer’s (CEO’s) Elections Report shows that the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) won the Elections […]

CCJ’s jurisdiction ousted by Constitution

legal luminaries argue as they make case for PPP/C’s application to be refused –call out the party for misleading Court on Elections Report ARTICLE 177 (4) of the Constitution of Guyana and the Caribbean Court of Justice Act have undeniably ousted the jurisdiction of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) from adjudicating on any decision […]

‘We’re an independent nation’

…Anglican Bishop says in pushback against diplomats over elections BISHOP of the Anglican Diocese Charles Davidson has said that he is not surprised by the intervention of the international community in Guyana’s affairs, even as he asserted that this country is a sovereign independent nation. “I was 12 years old when we became independent. I […]


…Dr. Francis Alexis, QC says PPP/C’s appeal at CCJ has no real prospect of success…asserted that Guyana’s constitutional provisions ought not be overruled…says Constitution, Elections Laws clearly provide for valid votes By Svetlana Marshall GRENADIAN Queen Counsel, Dr. Francis Alexis – the Caribbean’s leading authority on constitutional law – said not only was the Court […]

PM Mottley ignored the facts

Dear EditorLET’s skip the niceties, I am in no mood for them, reason being the disrespect which you have meted out to our sovereign state, constitution, distinguished judges and people of this almost 215 000 Km2 of resource-rich land. My first disappointment with Prime Minister Mia Mottley is her “who dare Lowenfield….” question. Well, let […]


MAKING the news yesterday in the New York Times and the Washington Post were claims by President Donald Trump that mail-in elections in the United States exposed massive fraud and rigging, but his critics said that those claims were baseless. In one article, Mark Hemingway reported that in New Jersey one in five ballots was […]

These are serious times for Guyana

HERE we go again. Just when it was thought that good sense had prevailed, and that those who had previously sought to inject themselves into the centre of Guyana’s elections impasse had backed away from that stance, we are now visited by a new round of threats. After much charges and counter-charges, the Court of […]

The CCJ is not called upon to decide a hard case at all: It simply has no jurisdiction

Dear Editor,Benjamin E. Gibson was an indomitable lawyer. His indomitability gave us the landmark Guyanese trilogy of case law in Caribbean public law – Re Sarran, Re Langhorn, Re Chichester in the 1960s. In 2006 his indomitability gave us another. It is Griffith (Brent) v Guyana Revenue Authority and Another. It is a CCJ decision. […]