…to challenge Court of Appeal’s final decision on ‘valid votes’ ONE day after the Court of Appeal ruled that the election of a President ought to be done using “valid votes” in accordance with the Constitution and Order No. 60, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) moved to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in an […]
Category: Guyana Chronicle
Neither the Chair, nor GECOM can direct the CEO
Dear Editor,It was an impeccable exhibition of judicial erudition. Justice Brassington Reynolds in his interpretation of article 177 (2) (b) ruled that the framers of the Constitution meant, and intended to mean by the word “votes” means valid votes. That learned Judge made it clear that votes carries in its conception, both a quantitative and […]
GECOM should review the EOJ report on Guyana’s 2006 elections
Dear Editor, THE findings of the finger printing and cross matching scanning exercise that was conducted by the Electoral Office of Jamaica in 2006 found duplicate registration for 5374 entries on the Preliminary Voters List. After conducting a finger printing cross matching exercise, the Electoral Office of Jamaica said that 1858 duplicate fingerprints were found […]
GUYANA CHIRONICLE Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Elections case cannot be appealed -to AG’s Constitution, Chambers CCJ point Act By Lisa Hamilton PEOPLE’S Progressive Party/Civie (PPP/C) Executive, Anil Nandlall stated, on Tuesday, that his party has filed and served an appeal to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in relation to the ruling on Guyana’s elections case, but the Attorney General’s Chambers […]
Coalition partners pleased with court’s ruling
COALITION’ partners or the A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) are pleased with the ruling or the Appellate Court that the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) must use valid votes to determine the elections results. Speaking with the newspaper on Tuesday, Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Executive, Dr. David Hinds said that he is […]
CEO submits report on valid votes
…shows coalition gaining highest number of valid votes…APNU+AFC gets 33 seats, PPP/C 31, joinder party 1 UTILISING valid votes, as ordered by the Court of Appeal, the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, on Tuesday, submitted his Election Report, which shows that the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) won the […]
CCJ issues orders blocking declaration of elections results
THE Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), on Tuesday, ordered the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to halt the electoral process pending its decision on whether or not the Court of Appeal had jurisdiction to interpret Article 177 (2) (b) of the Constitution to mean “more valid votes are cast.” In the appeal filed by People’s Progressive […]
Attorney General Chambers’ position on appeal to CCJ
…There is NO Appeal in respect of matters determined under article 177(4) of the Constitution …Whether an Appeal can lie to the Caribbean Court of Justice in respect of matters determined under article 177(4) of the Constitution PURSUANT to Article 177 (4) of the Constitution, this question is to be answered in the negative. Article […]
The Granger-Jagdeo agreement weakens, rather than strengthens GECOM’s constitutional autonomy
ANIL Nandlall has, with an accustomed degree of pedantry and political rhetoric, yet again demonstrated his cognitive disability of being a learned lawyer and politician at one and the same time, and, as the good Book tells us, “No man can serve two masters at the same time…” Matthew 6. vs. 24).(“ Question of High-Level […]
The Court’s Ruling is Final
– AG says buck stops at Appeal Court, cannot go on to CCJ By Lisa Hamilton Though the People’s Progressive Party/Civic is mulling a move to take the election challenge case to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams has reminded that the Court of Appeal’s decision […]