Category: Guyana Chronicle

That Keith Lowenfield Report

IT should not come as any surprise to keen observers of the developments since the March 2 elections that GECOM’s Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield has concluded that the elections did not pass the credibility test. As this publication reported yesterday, “The Chief Elections Officer submitted his report on the national recount to Chairman […]

Over 265,000 votes flawed

…Lowenfield says in report; …Region Six sees highest percentage OVER 265,000 ballots cast in the General and Regional Elections have been impacted by anomalies, irregularities and voter impersonation with Region Six seeing the highest percentage of ballots being affected. These are the findings coming out of the report of the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith […]

OP-ED…Opposition/Nandlall exposed by court

–willfully trying to mislead on election By Lincoln Lewis IT is important for us to recognise acting Chief Justice (CJ) Roxane George-Wiltshire’s exposure of the Opposition’s moves in court. The case brought by the late Reeaz Holladar against Region Four Returning Officer (RO), Clairmont Mingo, which sought to have the court imprison him on charges […]

Gonsalves comments are undiplomatic, prejudicial and disrespectful

Dear Editor,CERTAINLY, Ralph Gonsalves’ recent statements on the Gazetted recount exercise, rather than being helpful must have ushered in great cause for concern. At best, what the Vincentian leader emitted is a most brazen attempt at not only interfering in the domestic affairs of a sister CARICOM state, but specifically attempting to influence the considerations […]

GECOM to review CEO’s report today

…President Granger says massive irregularities, electoral fraud could lead nullification DELIBERATIONs on the Chief Elections Officer (CEO)’s Report on the National Recount could result in the 2020 General and Regional Elections being nullified due the widespread irregularities and allegations of voter impersonation that have been uncovered, a move that would, undoubtedly, land Guyana in “uncharted […]

GECOM debunks fake letter

THE Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has debunked a letter circulating on social media which claimed that Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield has pinpointed police officers as being involved in electoral fraud. The letter falsely claimed that Lowenfield wrote the commissioner of police, stating that a number of police officers worked along with the APNU+AFC […]

CARICOM team completes report on national recount

THE CARICOM scrutinising team has completed its report on Guyana’s recently concluded national recount of votes cast at the 2020 General and Regional Elections and will be presenting the report in short order to Chairperson, Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (Retd) Claudette Singh. The report will join that of Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield, […]

Another shameless hole in the fabric of local jurisprudence

Dear Editor,THE recent public dressing down, for that is what it is, of attorney Anil Nandlall by the learned Madame Chief Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire has again exposed the politically-dishonest motives of this chief legal representative of the PPP/C, and the lengths to which some practitioners of this profession would go to misrepresent dubious ends for […]

Int’l observer missions issue more statements

…call for transparency in tabulation of Region Four results THE international observer missions from the Commonwealth, the European Union, and The Carter Center, on Friday, encouraged all stakeholders in Guyana’s electoral process to use all available means to conclude the process in a transparent manner. In a statement issued on Friday, the international election observation […]