Category: Guyana Chronicle

Here’s the Proof

…coalition submits, to GECOM, list of electors who were overseas but recorded as voted  …to make further submissions on dead voters, other anomalies  TILE APNU+AFC coalition has submitted a list of persons who have been listed as voted at the March 2, 2020, elections despite being overseas after bring invited by the Chairman of the […]

GECOM must swiftly act to remedy abuse of health worker and attempts to disrupt and discredit the national recount

Dear Editor,THE daily revelation of discrepancies at the national recount centre at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC) is worrisome enough, because of the degree and concentration of electoral fraud being unearthed. Still, when an episode of assault on a person is added, it makes the situation even more toxic and explosive. It is time […]

‘CARICOM team is enough’

Nigel Hughes, Stanlev Ming sav int’I observers should not be esteemed aver CARI COM …chide foreigners tar premature statements By Lisa Hamilton  PROMINENT attor­ney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes and established businessman, Stanley Ming, have weighed in on the involvement of international observers in Guyana’s electoral situation, noting that some actions have been premature while others seem to […]

Why all of the local and international forces are currently aligned one side and only the APNU+AFC in solitude?

Dear Editor, In a letter authored by David Hinds, he accused the western powers to “have openly chosen a side in the current standoff- they have taken the PPP’s side”. He graciously cites me as an authority for his supposition. “Speaking on a Globespan 24/7programme, on Monday, May 18, Anil Nandlall boasted that the PPP […]

The recount is not the end, it is only the beginning of a torturous trek

Dear Editor, After 50 years, can the PPP and the PNC be relied on to solve the constitutional and electoral problems they have created and sustained? These two parties have been at the forefront of every constitutional and electoral law, legislation, and administration since 1964 when, as British Guiana’s principal representatives they agreed to arrangements […]

Promotion of social cohesion

THE construction of the Cummingsburg Accord gave birth to the coalition of six parties that contested two national elections in Guyana. Multi-ethnic in composition, there was no surprise that this coalition — the A Partnership For National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), made national unity one of its main election campaign platforms. It is a coveted […]

‘He who asserts must prove’

…GECOM chair urges parties to produce evidence of voting irregularities…coalition said to have proof…chair rebukes Sase Gunraj for misrepresenting her CHAIR of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, on Thursday, said the body is yet to make a decision on how it will treat with complaints of irregularities at the March 2 […]