Category: Guyana Chronicle

GECOM should not act unconstitutionally

Dear Editor,GUYANA continues to endure the unprecedented General and Regional Elections impasse and heightened tension as a consequence of hesitancy on the part of the Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to adopt the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)’s final report for the March 2, 2020 declared election results. It is far from the best […]

There is no ‘Lowenfield proposal’

Dear Editor, THE reality of Good Friday and the restrictions imposed in the interest of mitigating COVID-19 have given me the latitude to pay more than usual attention to comments in the Media about GECOM, and, in this instance about Lowenfield, per se, in relation to the “Lowenfield proposal” of 156 days for the Recount. […]


OUR Guyanese people deserve a round of applause for almost faithful observance of restrictive measures, as the nation buckles down for the fight against the coronavirus. At the time of writing, 45 persons have tested positive, six of whom have died. Compared to confirmed cases in some 183 other countries, these statistics for Guyana are […]

Jagdeo has been using a populist stance

– to castigate American corporations such as ExxonMobil Dear Editor,ATTEMPTS are being fostered into paving the way of a digital coup d’etat in favour of the PPP. In a letter signed by Melinda Janki, Hinds, Gaskin, Goolsaran, et al, declarations have been announced that they do not recognise President David Granger as the Head of […]

Ingratitude is worse than witchcraft

Dear Sir,WHEN I was growing up in ‘Packoo Dam’, aka Wortmanville, my grandmother, ‘Clar-Clar’, often told me that “ingratitude was worse than witchcraft…” She said that when you are ungrateful, it shows a lack of training, or as she would say, upbringing. It was her duty, she claimed, to make me au fait about the […]

Justice Holder to rule on jurisdiction to hear PPP challenge to Mingo’s declaration

HIGH Court Judge Franklin Holder will today rule on the Court’s jurisdiction to hear an application, which seeks to set aside the March 13 declaration made by Region 4 Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo. The application was filed by Leader of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) List of Candidates, Bharrat Jagdeo and Reeaz Holladar against the […]

Justice Franklyn Holder must be given the same respect to adjudicate in the matters presently before him

Dear EditorThe press statement issued Sunday by the PPP/C relating to the injunction filed to stop the recount poses clear and present danger to the independence of the judiciary and respect for the rule of law. The Aide Memoire signed by President David Granger, PPP General Secretary (GS) Bharrat Jagdeo, and CARICOM Secretary-General Ambassador Irwin […]

All that glitters is not joe!

Dear Editor Dear Editor, the mischievous, disrespectful and condescending letter recently penned by Major General (MG) Joe Singh, attacking President David Granger, is a reflection of spite and bitterness held by him against the President of Guyana. There is little doubt that MG Joe Singh, now deemed “unfit and improper” by the Guyana constitution, seeks […]