Dear Sir,
FINALLY, the great country through its secretary of state has fulfilled its threat (about sanctions) along with the request of some Benedict Arnold, who unfortunately resides in this country. The secretary of state of that country has told our President, the President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, (that we voted for) that he must clean out his desk and trod, and he is not giving him any time either. He is adamant about putting the fraudsters in as the Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, with Dr Ali as President.
This secretary of state of another country is so huge that he can dictate under the threat of sanctions to our President, what he expects him to do forthwith. What we have to understand is that regime change is a big-money business. The incoming people repay their benefactors with huge sums from their treasury, along with giving up their natural resources. This regime change is no longer clandestine, nope; it’s thievery in your face, embracing fraud and sanctioning greed. And to make our position more untenable is our penchant for non co-operation (which is our right) on several requests made. Saint Augustine had said, “That after politics was born, ethics and morals died.”
When the observers were selected for our little party, I became immediately suspicious when the Carter Center was proposed as an observer. Georgia is of course the home of the Carter Center, the group that goes around the world observing and dictating to third world countries how to run elections. Unfortunately however, the Carter Center has no say in their own elections. No, nary a word. In their recent gubernatorial elections the present governor was the secretary of state, and because of that position he was able to control the elections until he finally resigned when his victory was assured. It was reported that over 50,000 Black people’s voter registration cards were suppressed, and tens of thousands were purged from the list. Another claim was that 40 Black senior citizens were removed from a bus on their way to vote on election day. All of this happening right under the noses of the Carter Center, who is basically impotent, but has the temerity to be upset because they did not make the cut at the recount.
The secretary of state said, “That there would be sanctions on individuals for being complicit in undermining democracy in Guyana.” That bogey word “Democracy.” Whenever I hear the word democracy I remember the movie Shaw Shank redemption; the parole board is asking Red after 40 years of imprisonment are you “rehabilitated?” rehabilitated, said Red’ is a made-up word, it’s a politician’s word. Like democracy, it’s a politician’s word. Democracy is the soothing balm that lulls us to sleep, while its compatriot in crime, CAPITALISM, extorts and exploits nations.
This is the crossroads we stand on now. The powers that be do not care a damn about us. They are just sitting back awaiting the explosion that they are deliberately creating. We know who we are dealing with, their works are too numerous to escape. They have left rotten corpses of progressive leaders all over the world, as they continue their plunder, aided and abetted by the traitors of the land of their birth.
A mere couple of days after the Elections Commissioner Alexander made an observation, in paraphrasing he was actually saying “there is something rotten about this elections.” He knew from the smell that something was rancid. Now here we are from the third month to the seventh, and the stench is getting stronger. The talk all over Georgetown is that when the fraudsters are finally crowned, that our country will be used as the conduit for the invasion of Venezuela through the back door, a kind of thank-you note.
Milton Bruce