‘Don’t waste time, GECOM…only District 4 recount necessary’ – PSC

 Apr 07, 2020  News

The Private Sector Commission (PSC), while highlighting that it is serving as an Accredited Observer of the country’s recent elections, is asking GECOM to make immediate arrangements for the commencement of the recount in District 4, in accordance with its Constitutional authority recognized by the Court
The PSC, in a release to the press, stated that it is committed to continue observing this recount, and “believes it essential that the international community and all of the International Observers resume their commitment and active presence” to do the same.

“The PSC, therefore, appeals directly to the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Organization of American States, the European Union, the Carter Center and the Caribbean Community to return to Guyana for the commencement of the recount by GECOM.
GECOM will, of course, have to set definitive timelines for the commencement of the recount to accommodate the travel of International Observers.
It is the considered position of the PSC, after an exhaustive examination of the facts before us, that, it is only in District 4 that the tabulation and declaration of the results by Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, was clearly fraudulent and has no credibility.”
The Commission said that it “maintained a substantial team of Election Observers across the country and found absolutely no evidence to suggest that the declaration of the election results was not credible and in compliance with the electoral laws in all the Districts except District 4. The PSC is fortified in this view by the fact that none of the several other international Observer Teams reported any irregular or unlawful conduct in respect of any other aspect of the electoral process other than the tabulation and declaration of the results of District 4 by Returning Officer Mingo.
The PSC is, therefore, convinced that it would be an entire waste of time and wholly unnecessary for GECOM to conduct a recount of the ballots cast in any District other than District 4.
The PSC holds that any request to extend the recount to Districts other than District 4 to be a deliberate, unreasonable and unacceptable attempt to delay the conclusion of the recount and urges GECOM to confine a recount to District 4.
Further, the restrictions to travel now imposed as a result of the COVID-19 virus would make the implementation of a countrywide recount of the ballots an almost insurmountable exercise which, as we have pointed out, is entirely frivolous and unnecessary.”
The PSC also asserted that it is satisfied, from its own observations, that the involvement of certain officials in the tabulation and verification process in District 4, materially contributed to the fraudulent tabulation and verification of the process and, “it is, therefore, obvious that these Officers must not be involved in the process of the recount”.
“In this regard, the PSC notes the reiteration by the Full Court and the Court of Appeal, in their recent pronouncements, of the Courts’ recognition of the wide and extraordinary powers of GECOM, conferred by the Constitution and the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, to do all things necessary and take such steps that are fair, impartial and expedient.
GECOM is therefore duly empowered to remove these errant officers and replace them with others, so that the public confidence and integrity, which the Chairperson said is so essential for the electoral system, can be restored.
The PSC considers that the reality of the restrictions placed on international travel by the COVID-19 virus pandemic demands that arrangements are made for the recount proceedings to be broadcast live on radio and television and live streamed for international reception by those Observer teams whom are unable to be physically present at GECOM for the recount proceedings.
The PSC looks forward to the Chairman of GECOM immediately delivering on her Constitutional obligations to the people and nation to ensure fairness and impartiality in completing the conduct of the elections.”

Source: https://issuu.com/gxmedia/docs/apr072020