Dear Mr Wesley Kirton,
I AM deeply saddened that you would choose to drive fear into the minds of your fellow Guyanese people. You wrote so much about U.S. sanctions, you also posted a video that is not that of the State Department according to your statement, you were advised of what is about to happen to Guyana, because of concerns surrounding the recent elections. Your attempt was to create doubts, instability and fear amongst the most vulnerable; you have misled the Guyanese public. Just like you I have access to the State Department through the FOIA. I also have access to my senators and my congressional members. I decided to fact check your information with the state department; be it known that your information is false. Below you would find the State Department’s information on Guyana. Keep in mind your information was neither found on the State Department’s page, CNN, NYC Times, Reuters, or any of the major U.S. news outlets. I am sure this information would not be classified; if classified, you would not be privy to such information unless you have a security clearance to that level and the right to know. When a U.S. senator/ congressperson or a U.S. official says they are paying attention to developments in a country, that does automatically morph into sanctions. Such critical information must pass through many channels prior to being published publicly; more than likely a letter of warning would be penned to the president of the country advising of such steps. Please be reminded that sanctions are not given out willy nilly to any nation. They are many nations who have experienced worst election periods with civil war erupting throughout their histories and they were not sanctioned.
Should the State Department have allegations of corruption and election tampering against the Guyana officials, it must have some substantial proof which may include: proof of the government strategically relocating polling stations without providing adequate notice to voters; performing various disruptive functions on behalf of current government,” or curtailing the freedom of the press and restricting the democratic process using state-controlled media and other allegations. None of these examples to name a few occurred.
Please take note that the elections “were marked as fair and free by all involved including observers, until the opposition recognised that they lost the elections. At that time they decided to ramp up the propaganda of numerous irregularities and rigging of elections; they worked assiduously to involve the observers in private engagements to psychologically convince them that what they were seeing was unfair and irregular. They managed to control the minds of the unsuspecting foreigners and local representatives by planting the images that Region Four had suddenly become a problem or by offering financial contributions. Keep in mind they received no complaints from the numerous polling stations of irregularities in voting in Region Four prior to the final assessment of the SOPs at GECOM. It’s very disturbing that you would stoop this low and still claim your love for country and the average man or woman, it is obvious that you have your own agenda that strongly suggests fraud helped the ruling party unexpectedly win a majority of the government. There are no acceptable or current reasons for the U.S. to have plans to levy any sanctions on Guyan. Therefore, I suggest you come clean with the Guyanese people with your post and false allegations.
Concerned Citizen