Opposition Member of Parliament Priya Manickchand yesterday called on the APNU+AFC government to listen to the reactions of the people and withdraw the proposed 2017 budget, which she deemed shocking and unconscionable.

Manickchand, who served as education minister from 2011 to 2015 and is now shadow minister for the PPP/C, told the National Assembly that as the government intends to impose Value-Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services to be used by the government, the actual budgeted sum for education is $1 billion less than the $43.1 billion announced.

Excluding allocations made for the Department of Youth, Sport and Culture, Manickchand said that $11 billion was spent on education in 2016, while $12 billion was budgeted for education in 2017.

“But when they deduct the 14% VAT, we will actually be spending $766 million less than last year under current expenditure, and $382 million less under capital expenditure,” Manickchand argued, while noting that VAT would reduce education’s budget by some $1 billion.

“It is a fallacy to claim we are spending more on education. It is untrue. Because goods and services will now be taken back by the government over $1 billion will be stolen from our children, which means less schools, less services, less training for teachers,” she declared to loud heckling from the government side of the House.

“What is the point of building a fancy school if our children cannot access it? What is the point of aiming to improve mathematics grades if a mother cannot put food in her child’s lunch kit? What is the point of giving a family more disposal income if they can’t save because of the provisions of this budget?” Manickchand queried before calling out the ministers of government on their reactions to criticisms of the 2017 budget.

She told the House that political parties win hearts and minds by their policies, while noting that it was by responding to the requests of the people that they maintain power, which was their ultimate aim. This government, she argued, has responded to the concerns from the citizens with disrespect, arrogance and insensitivity.

She added that she couldn’t recall another budget that received criticism and push back from as many citizens and sectors before, with reactions ranging from anger and rage to bemusement and outright fear of what was going to happen.

“It has caused distress, worry and fear across the nation in every single sector. All the campaign promises of this administration have proved to be lies and this budget is the same, it promises the nation prosperity via taxation and that is a big fat lie,” Manickchand declared before labelling the budget a stop gap, short-term spending plan with no actual innovative ideas about growth.

“Brace yourself Guyana for what is to come,” Manickchand advised, “your quality of life will change because the government is unimaginative.”


Source: https://www.stabroeknews.com/2016/news/guyana/12/06/manickchand-calls-govt-reconsider-unconscionable-budget/

2017 Budget unconscionable, a waste of time

…brace yourself for what is about to come ‒ Manickchand

Unconscionable, a waste of time and an exercise in futility were the reaction to the 2017 National Estimates by former Education Minister Priya Manickchand, as she made her presentation on the annual debate which got underway Monday in the National Assembly.

Manickchand, a frontbencher in the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), in an impassioned presentation joined her colleague Parliamentarians in the Opposition benches, to call on Government to withdraw the Budget and craft a new one in keeping with the guidelines of the Constitution of Guyana.
She was in fact adamant that the reaction on the part of Government ministers to the growing voices of discontent is indicative of a disrespectful, arrogant and insensitive Administration which is simply being a bully.
The coalition A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government, according to Manickchand, “is being a bully.”
The former Government minister in the PPP/C Administration told the House that the 2017 Budget is the first such in recent history that has been so widely criticised by formal bodies, such as the Private Sector Commission (PSC), in addition to the citizenry.
Manickchand told the House that she would have been happy to be able to congratulate the Minister on an early Budget, had its contents been in keeping with the needs of the people.
She dismissed the 2017 Budget as a short-term spending plan—a plan that does not define a trajectory for the nation over the next five or ten years.
The Budget instead lacks innovation since there are no plans to promote growth, she said.
Manickchand told the debate that the Budget is also devoid of any measures that would tackle the constraints facing the private sector, such as unavailable human capital, high energy costs and lack of access to capital.
Reminding the House that as Opposition Members of Parliament, her colleagues are representing a vast section of the Guyanese population, Manickchand boldly asserted that the 2017 Budget is in fact useless and ill thought out.

Speaking to some of the effects of the allocations and measures in the 2017 Budget, Manickchand used the occasion to rubbish the decision by Government to apply Value Added Tax (VAT) to all of the budget agencies.
According to Manickchand, this in itself defeats the arguments by Finance Minister Winston Jordan, who had suggested that the spending on Education has been increased over the previous year.
Manickchand countered, saying that the Minister is being misleading since with the application of VAT at least $1 billion has been slashed from the Ministry’s expenditures.
She suggested that the monies being taken back by Government could have in fact been invested to upgrade the infrastructure in the education system, but what obtains is that Government has in fact robbed the children of the nation.
A visibly livid Manickchand also railed against Government’s decision to apply VAT on education materials and queried if Government had seriously thought out the consequences of the collective Cabinet decision.
According to the former Education Minister, there are more than 15,000 students in Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) alone that attend private schools and will now be subjected to paying fees that will now attract a 14 per cent VAT.
Manickchand queried if Government was prepared to accommodate those students should they be unable to afford private schools.

Taxing the nation
She lambasted the Administration’s inability to present a long-term developmental plan such as serious investments in the University of Guyana, a Deep Water Harbour, or investments in human capital.
“There is nothing new in this Budget, just an attempt to tax the nation… it is a waste of time, it’s useless, an exercise on futility, it is a waste of time in terms of developing this country,” according to Manickchand.
She stated that what Government is in fact focused on is taxes on just about everything, including educational and medical services and supplies.
“People now have to pay VAT on medical services, on medicines,” Manickchand said, and suggested that persons cannot even afford to get a headache now since medications will now be 14 per cent more expensive.
She lambasted too the imposition of VAT on accessories required by the differently abled.
Manickchand observed that in a year when the Finance Ministry boasts of a sign language interpreter for the presentation of the 2017 Budget, the Minister has instead slapped VAT on hearing aids.
The former Education Minister also lambasted the Administration over the proposed measure to remove items from the zero-rated list that would in fact drive up the cost of living for all.
“This is a brace-your-self budget… Brace yourself Guyana for what is about to come,” Manickchand said, even as she sought to castigate the decision to apply VAT on the staple of any child’s education—play dough.
According to Manickchand, the promises of the APNU/AFC coalition were in fact big fat lies, and that Budget 2017 now only promises prosperity by taxation. (Gary Eleazar)


Source: https://guyanatimesgy.com/2017-budget-unconscionable-a-waste-of-time/

Social Protection Ministry mum on violence against women –Manickchand

The Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP) has revealed that 30.8 per cent of persons in Guyana condone – approve or understand – violence against women, a recent LAPOP report said and Shadow Education Minister Priya Manickchand has expressed concern that the responsible Ministry is silent on the matter.
According to the LAPOP report, Americas Barometers Insights 2016, on average across 16 countries, one out of four individuals either approves or understands a man hitting his wife if she neglects household chores. On this particular issue Guyana ranked third, right behind Suriname which has a 43.7 per cent acceptance rate for violence against women. The top ranking country was Guatemala which has a 53.9 per cent tolerance rate. 

The report stated that women, those in the oldest age cohorts, those with more years of schooling, those in urban areas, and those who are wealthier, are less likely to accept spousal violence against women. It also added that stress and dislocation matter – individuals whose households are facing economic hardship and those who intend to live or work abroad – are more likely to accept spousal violence against women.

Recently, the United Nations Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF) disclosed that the highest level of acceptance of wife beating occurs in the Indigenous communities, with one in every four adults believe that it is justifiable to hit the woman. There were high incidence rates in Regions Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo), One (Barima-Waini), Five (Mahaica-Berbice), Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) and Eight (Potaro-Siparuni). It underscored that domestic violence is more accepted among those living in the rural areas than those living in urban settlements, for both men and women. Further, it stated that it is also highly prevalent in the poorest of families.
The report stated that overall, 10 per cent of men and women between 15 and 49 years old believe it is justifiable for a husband to hit his wife if she goes out without telling him, neglects the children, argues with him, refuses sex or if she burns the food.
Manickchand highlighted that while gender-based violence is not unique to Guyana, the Social Protection Ministry, which has responsibility over women rights, has opted to remain mum on the matter.

She stated that violence against women occurs because of the prevailing inequality of gender, in which people generally believe that men are superior and women are inferior. Therefore, she said it is imperative to change the perspective of “our population and educate our youths”.

Manickchand emphasised that she has seen no effort carried out by the Ministry to fight the scourge, adding that the Ministry has to stop being silent and address the issue on the frontline.

Nevertheless, she indicated that this issue cannot be tackled alone by one Ministry instead it has to be multisectoral.

“No one Ministry can address this issue… we need the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security and the Private Sector,” she said, adding that the Education Ministry needs to be incorporated into that Ministry to teach young children that violence should not be condoned.

“We don’t want them to grow up in the same culture, and the harmfulness of violence,” she noted, stating that the Police Officers should be educated and responsive to complaints made by victims of domestic violence.

Manickchand further stated that Guyana needs to empower its women, educate them on their independence and create opportunities for them to be independent.

In the last eleven months, 14 women were murdered by the spouse, boyfriend or ex-lover. UNICEF stated that domestic violence has a straight connection to gender-based violence. “Between 2006 and 2007, there was an estimated 50 per cent increase in the total number of GBV victims, 3600 more than the previous year,” it said, adding that the largest increase was recorded in Berbice (Regions Five and Six), where reported cases rose steeply from approximately 300 in 2006 to 1890 in 2007, representing a 500 per cent increase.

It stated that a combination of social norms and social and cultural practices have been identified as the main factors that influence violence against women. It added that lack of punishment for those men that perpetrate violence against women was appointed as one factor that reinforces violent acts in the country, contending that between January and November of 2015, 582 cases of domestic violence were reported in Berbice, from these, 326 reached the court, and only 17 men were convicted.

According to LAPOP, policies and programmes that increase education, economic opportunities, and social stability are key to shifting norms with respect to tolerance for domestic violence.
“These broader efforts might be pursued alongside more targeted programmes that seek to empower women while encouraging men to curb their comparatively higher degree of tolerance for domestic violence against women,” it stated.


Source: https://guyanatimesgy.com/social-protection-ministry-mum-on-violence-against-women-manickchand/


Manickchand scolds Govt over its “inaccessibility”

Government has come in for some harsh flogging by People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Member of Parliament (MP) Priya Manickchand who last Thursday criticised it for backpedalling on its promise of inclusive governance and its continued “inaccessibility”.

Her criticism came in light of the recent revelation regarding the change of format of the examination paper for students scheduled to sit the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) this month-end. The former Education Minister has concerns with the students now having to write their names on the exam paper, and also condemned Government for not reaching out to the people and members of the Opposition.

“This is the same Government which said that it was going to be inclusive in its governance. Never told, never asked as a parent, as a person who has been in that seat for a couple of years, as a citizen, as a Member of Parliament and the Opposition’s representative to say on particular issues,” she complained, noting that her stint at the Education Ministry was very much different to what is taking place now.

“We were always accessible. We could have been reached. Ask us questions on social media, meet us in the market, call us, etc. This Government is running this country out of their offices and comfort of the homes of their supporters. This is not happening the way it should be happening.  The Government has dozens of Ministers and advisers, but is not touching people. They are going by planes, because they are travelling frequently,” she told Journalists.

According to her, when she was Education Minister, she would meet with the Shadow Ministers of both the then Opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) at her invitation.

“We never announced anything big under my watch in the newspapers. They were told about it first and had an input in it,” she said.

Manickchand reminded that when a decision was made to change the age of entry into nursery school and begin the distribution of the cash grant, Shadow Ministers were first informed.

She said since she left the office, she has never been invited to the Ministry as the now Shadow Minister of Education to have any discussion on any matter.

The former Education Minister said this was among the many reasons the Opposition would not be participating in the education Commission of Inquiry (CoI).

“There is no consistent engagement with the people who have standing in the country. While we represent the whole country, if you are talking specifically to the number of votes, then that is something different,” Manickchand said, continuing that good governance requires that all be involved and Government makes itself accessible. Changes, she said, should not be made without proper public consultation.

She added that women of the PPP were not even invited to any of the Women Affairs programme.

“It’s like the PPP does not have women or none of the PPP women have never contributed to the development of women in this country,” Manickchand stated.


Source: https://guyanatimesgy.com/manickchand-scolds-govt-over-its-inaccessibility/

MoE to conduct training for private schools

THE Ministry of Education, through its planning unit, has begun training for private schools in Region 4, and commenced training in Region 6 on Wednesday. According to a statement from the ministry, the programme is intended to update its database on private schools and to conduct a series of training sessions with them, so that they could provide the information that will be required by the new Education Bill.

A proposed Education Bill, the first of its kind since Guyana gained independence, according to subject Minister Priya Manickchand, was tabled in the National Assembly on June 19, 2014, and was read for the first time.
The current Education Act came into being since 1876 and was last amended sometime in 1976. The proposed Bill, on the other hand, is intended to repeal the Education Act, reform the legal framework for education in Guyana and provide an effective system of education related to the needs of the people.
The Education Bill 2014 provides for the inspection of private educational institutions with a view to their being granted a permit to operate; establishment of Parent Teachers Associations (PTAs) and granting permits issued by the ministry for the institution or school.
This Act will apply to every private educational institution or private school providing all or any of the following educational services at pre-primary education; primary education; secondary education; special education; instructional services in general education at the tertiary level; instructional services in vocational education; and training at the secondary, tertiary and adult levels.
According to the statement, training has begun with private schools in Region 4 — excluding Georgetown — and commenced in Region 6 on Wednesday. Dates for the start of training sessions with private schools in Georgetown and other regions will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Ministry of Education is therefore inviting all private educational institutions to make contact with the Department of Education in their respective regions to ensure that their school is on the list of participants.



Source: https://guyanachronicle.com/2015/01/30/moe-to-conduct-training-for-private-schools

Manickchand blames miscommunication for delay in teachers getting duty-free concessions -says ministry, union both at fault

Responding to a recent claim by the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) that eligible teachers have been waiting for years to receive agreed duty-free concessions, Education Minister Priya Manickchand has said a miscommunication is to blame and both the ministry and the union share responsibility for the situation.

Despite claiming that her ministry’s relationship with the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) is “a good one,” Manickchand on Friday lashed out at recent comments made by the union and deemed its approach “extremely unhealthy.”

She expressed surprise at the GTU’s approach after President of the GTU Mark Lyte reportedly raised concerns over the union waiting for years for duty-free concessions at a press conference last week.

Some of the issues raised by the GTU, including the duty-free concessions for teachers and the debunching of salaries, needed to be cleared up, Manickchand said. “I would stop short in saying they were dishonest representations in the media… so I’m going to instead offer clarifications,” she said.

Due to miscommunications, Manickchand said, there had been some teachers who had been eligible for duty-free concessions but did not receive them. She further emphasised that the problem had been created by both the ministry and the union and had not only been the ministry’s fault. “To try to say this is the ministry’s problem is highly misleading,” she maintained.

Manickchand explained that head teachers and deputies of Grade A and B schools, once they have served three years on the job and have five years remaining, are entitled to a duty-free concession.

She further said that there had been about a dozen teachers who were eligible in 2009, according to the rules outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding between the union and the Education Ministry. All of these teachers, Manickchand went on, had gotten their duty-free concessions. She added that all of the applications had been addressed and there was no backlog.


In regard to debunching, Manickchand once again cast the blame away from the ministry. According to her, a joint committee had been set up in 2010 to deal with the issue of salaries debunching. She explained that the committee met and a memo was sent out in May, 2010, with a request for information. After an entire year, only about 10% of the union’s membership had returned information, Manickchand said.

A subsequent reminder was sent out in 2011 to members of the union and by mid-2012 the committee had received about 90% of the forms that had been sent out. A salary structure was later made and in 2013 a copy of the proposal was made and sent out by the committee. The GTU had agreed to the debunching agreement but recently Lyte had shared his dissatisfaction with the agreement, which placed teachers in different salary scales based on their number of years on the job.

According to Lyte, the benefits of the agreement have been minimal.

Manickchand, however, maintained than any issues with the debunching process could not rest solely with the ministry.

“I am saying that both sides should’ve have done something a bit quicker… but this is not us. We’ve been waiting on the union forever to give us this information. So to lay the blame at our doorstep is less than honest,” Manickchand said. She added, “The government sat and entered into a Memorandum of Under-standing with the union because we want to do what is in the best interest of our teachers, as far as our economy would allow. Why would we not then want to do this?”


Manickchand maintained that over the years the Education Ministry and the GTU had shared a good relationship, with an open-door policy coming from the ministry. Their collaborations, she further said, came from a mutual desire to see the enhancement of the union’s members.

Manickchand opined that the union’s approach is an attempt to gain attention or to stay or become relevant. “If they were really concerned about addressing this then they would have raised it with us; we’re not preventing you thereafter or even simultaneously to go meet with the media but it cannot be healthy way of engaging partners,” she emphasised.

“We are in touch by telephone and up to last week there was a meeting… I’m very surprised to see some of the issues that the union has been raising, for the first time, in the media. So there is no engagement with us to address some of these issues,” she emphasised. She went on, “They’re engaging the ministry through the press and I think it’s a very new and worrying form of engagement. I would caution them to rethink that strategy.”




Source: https://www.stabroeknews.com/2015/news/guyana/01/21/manickchand-blames-miscommunication-delay-teachers-getting-duty-free-concessions/

Manickchand talks tough at Bath rally ‘We are a peaceful party, but we will not be bullied’

“WE are a peaceful party, but we will not be bullied. Mark your ‘X’ next to the cup, and reject that sort of bullyism,” Senior Member of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Priya Manickchand declared as she urged thousands of persons at Bath Settlement to vote for the PPP/C.Manickchand told Party supporters that the only party that can give them progress is the PPP/C Government. Referring to the Government, she said, “We live what we say; we practise what we preach. We invest in our young people; we do it tangibly, and you see the results in your own lives.”

“We put women on the list and we place them in the highest political position in the country…. We are asking you to help elect Elisabeth Harper to Office of the Prime Minister on May 11 and put our women first.”
Roshini Boodhoo, a candidate on the PPP/C list took the stage and explained to the thousands gathered at Bath Tarmac, Bath Settlement that we all want a brighter future but “we can only achieve this under the PPP/C Government.”

She noted that “President Donald Ramotar and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the PPP/C Elisabeth Harper are the only choices to steer our country in the path of peace and progress.” She reiterated that the PPP/C believes in the children of the country and their future. “They are not only telling us, they are showing us in their actions – that is why I am here.”
“Be aware of your of past, you should be aware of happened so that we don’t make the same mistake again,” Boodhoo noted. She said further, “look at our young ministers such as Priya Manickchand, Irfaan Ali, Dr. Ashni Singh and one of the world’s youngest President’s in the world Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo,” pointing out the many achievements of the PPP/C as they continue their investments in the youths of the country.


Boodhoo concluded by noting that the PPP/C party has placed much emphasis on the achievements of the women of this country and “come May 11 a woman will take one of the highest offices in the country, Elisabeth Harper will be Prime Minister. Come out in your numbers and vote PPP/C and make this the team of the future leaders of Guyana.”
Region 5 rice farmer, Mohamed Rafeeoodeen said it is a privilege to join with the leadership of the winning party, the PPP/C. “It is my duty to remind all of you of the significance of May 11 and encourage and educate you on how important this election is for all of us.”

He related that “we know what took place prior to 1992 – it is important we know what was the condition of our schools and look at what we have now… look at housing all the PPP/C has transformed this sector and have given all Guyanese the opportunity to own their own home… “
“Look at the improvement to our infrastructure,” he stressed,” adding that “we could not have sold rice. I was placed three times in the lock-ups and the PPP/C has created the environment for us to enjoy our country.”
“The only progressive party to go back in power on May 11 is the PPP/C,” he urged all.
Gobin Singh, a senior member of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) in Region 5, echoed the words of his colleagues, noting the achievements of the PPP/C Government. He related that under this government he was able to acquire his own home and “many other young Guyanese in Region 5 and in Guyana have been able to acquire the same.”
He urged young people “to come out on May 11 and vote for the continued empowerment of our young people.”
Peter Ramsaroop, candidate of the PPP/C, called on all persons gathered at Bath Settlement to vote for progress and vote for the PPP/C. He alluded to some of the aspects of the manifesto, noting that the Deep Water Harbour that will be a reality here in Berbice will service many other countries and “our farmers will be beneficiaries of this.”
He said with this project and the many more “we have in store for this country” will create many jobs for our young people. “With President Ramotar and Elisabeth Harper they will take us forward and make this vision a reality – say no way the APNU +AFC (A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change).”



















Source: Rebecca Ganesh; https://guyanachronicle.com/2015/05/04/manickchand-talks-tough-at-bath-rally-we-are-a-peaceful-party-but-we-will-not-be-bullied


Noble political agenda earns Priya Manickchand honorary doctorate

Female politicians are becoming increasingly popular across the globe. Guyana certainly has its fair share of these outstanding women whose efforts in their influential capacities have not gone unnoticed. Among such women in Guyana, is Priya Devi Manickchand.
Her training as a lawyer, from all indications, has had immense influence on her role as a politician evident by the number of legal measures she has spearheaded since taking up the lawmaking mantle.
Currently, she holds the portfolio of Minister of Education and is bent on seeing an archaic Education Act being discarded in order to make way for a new and more applicable Education legislation that can effectively govern the national education system.
Noticeable among her projects as Education Minister were the measures she ensured were put in place to realize universal primary education. She has also been working tirelessly towards the attainment of universal secondary education.
Even before venturing into the education sector, Manickchand was Minister of Human Services and Social Security. It was there that she was able to make the greatest impact of her career thus far.
She was fierce in her efforts to tackle the scourge of violence against women and children. As part of her efforts, she spearheaded the formulation of a National Policy on Domestic Violence, which was presented to Parliament for passage into law. This process has seen a series of Bills relating to care, development and protection of children gaining the attention of the National Assembly.
Added to this, Manickchand, during her tenure as Human Services Minister, initiated a countrywide campaign to stamp out sexual violence which realized the revolutionary Sexual Offences Law. She was also the mastermind behind the establishment of the country’s lone Child Care and Protection Agency and expanded Legal Aid services allowing for access to justice for the vulnerable.
Among her many other achievements in this capacity was the implementation of the Women of Worth (WOW) economic initiative, a programme that provides low interest and collateral free loans to single parent women from lower income brackets who are keen on becoming involved in the business sector.
It was for her numerous outstanding achievements in the Human Services Ministry that Manickchand was especially recognized by an international University last year.
In early May 2014, the Lesley University in Boston Massachusetts, United States of America (US), invited Manickchand to accept an Honorary Doctorate Degree for her outstanding work as it relates to advocating for the rights of women and children.
Manickchand was in fact one of two Honorary Doctorate recipients when the University gradated 1,446. Also bestowed with the honour was award-winning and prolific author of children’s and young adult books, Lois Lowry of the US.
Both women were recognised for their outstanding contributions and achievements in their respective countries, an indication that their individual diligence, over the years, has not gone unnoticed.
Honorary Degrees are awarded to persons who have achieved distinction in their chosen fields and professions. Moreover, it was noted at the start of the graduation ceremony which was streamed live on the University’s website, that “Honorary Degree recipients make tangible a set of values we aspire to as an academic community. These individuals are models to us because of their intellectual engagement, professional achievement and civic commitment.”
University officials, Deborah Raizes, Chair, Board of Trustees, and Joseph B. Moore, President, recognized Manickchand as “a true visionary” who was also instrumental in establishing a relationship between Guyana and Lesley University.
Manickchand in recognizing the need for mental health professionals to address the needs of vulnerable youth, families and communities, was able to work along with the University to develop a unique programme that educates School Counsellors and Social Workers to address the needs of Guyanese through Expressive Therapies, Counselling Psychology and Mindfulness Practice.
A total of 13 Guyanese teachers and social workers who undertook the programme at Lesley University graduated last year.
Moreover, a citation read to Manickhand stated that “In recognition of your life’s work in service to your community, especially to the end of violence against women and children, and the education of all Guyanese young people, Lesley University is honoured to confer upon you the Honorary Degree, Doctor of Humane Letters.”
Both honorary awardees, Manickchand and Lowry, were required to deliver separate addresses to the graduates, an undertaking that Manickchand extensively laced with her gender-equality conviction. She passionately appealed to the graduates to embrace the global cause of gender equality, which can often be hampered by challenges including poverty, hunger, health care and even educational inequality.
And educational inequality, Manickchand observed, is evident in some sections of the world. She pointed out that “when a girl is not allowed an education somewhere else in the world simply because she is a girl, it will affect your lives…because we are interconnected.”
“Whatever your passion, whatever you plan to pursue, wherever you work, wherever you live, wherever you play, consciously and strategically set to use your value, your training here, to bring about gender equality,” Manickchand appealed.
She was, however, too modest to share how she felt about the award being conferred upon her. Instead, the Minister has been showcasing her gratitude by continuing her pursuit for a better Guyana by crafting measures that can help to foster equality as keen efforts are made to improve the delivery of education in Guyana.

Source: http://guyanainc.biz/columns/noble-political-agenda-earns-priya-manickchand-honorary-doctorate/

Manickchand calls Health Minister’s abusive outburst ‘sexist’

—Elisabeth Harper dubs it ‘unacceptable and an affront to women’ 

Sexist, disrespectful, vulgar and stupid were some of the adjectives used by Minister of Education,


Priya Manickchand, in a Facebook post to describe the utterances of her colleague Minister, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran.
Dr. Ramsaran who holds the portfolio of Minister of Health, was recorded on Monday hurling threats and very abusive words at women’s right activist, Sherlina Nageer. Nageer had confronted him outside the Whim Magistrate’s Court.

Dr. Ramsaran was at the time reportedly leading a team of protestors as a matter involving former President Bharrat Jagdeo was being called inside the court house.
Angered by the activist’s line of questions, Dr. Ramsaran not only called her an “idiot” and “a little piece of s***” but even threatened to “slap her ass just for the fun…”
He then said, “I can have some of my women strip her here…”
After the recording of the exchange between the Health Minister and Nageer was widely circulated on social media, the Minister on Tuesday issued words of apology by way of a statement which however, failed to clearly state that it was intended for the women’s rights activist.
The Minister in his apology claimed, “It is unfortunate that I was provoked into anger and uttered harsh words at her for which I now regret.”

But Manickchand’s remarks which were posted Tuesday night highlighted her belief that “he wouldn’t have thought of stripping a man even as she stressed that “he must apologise and retract what he said.”

“I unreservedly condemn his choice of words,” said Manickchand who however added, “I believe he could have, and indeed he was entitled to defend himself if he felt threatened by an assault.
“I don’t believe he is entitled to slap anybody just for fun or to strip anybody…And it is these backward utterances that he must apologise for.”
According to the Education Minister who has over the years advocated for the rights of women and children, “he may also wish to do some soul searching and see if that is really how he feels about women, irrespective of whether they are irritants.
“He must examine how he feels about his responsibility to answer members of the public irrespective of, if those said members are asking questions in an unconventional way.”

Manickchand went on to reference a number of cases that she believes set the precedent for Dr Ramsaran’s behaviour.
“Those of you bellowing now and calling for his head, understand that you contributed and continue to contribute to a place that allows this kind of sentiment and comfort expressing this sentiment, because of your partisan approach to gender issues.”
She spoke of sexual allegations levelled against several public officials including now deceased Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, and former Speaker of the House, Raphael Trotman.

Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramaran, faces off with Women’s Right Activist, Shalina Nageer

Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramaran, faces off with Women’s Right Activist, Shalina Nageer








She also made reference to a recorded conversation with former Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix, revealing plans to criminally implicate a maid.

Manickchand then pointed accusing fingers at this publication even incorrectly claiming that this publication had labelled a female public official a whore.
“When you said not a word and worse, repeated and celebrated the AFC for calling me Sitira gyal (a promiscuous woman…and in case you missed it, if I were male my sex life, real or imagined, would never have come into the conversation).
“You laid the ground work for men to disrespect women and see them as sex objects that could be stripped and slapped for fun.”
She however, failed to highlight the allegations made against her fellow People’s Progressive Party Comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, as it relates to him abusing his former wife, Varshnie Singh.
Manickchand also completely abstained from mentioning the derogatory remarks made by yet another colleague of her’s, Anil Nandall, about a young Kaieteur News reporter.

Prime Ministerial Candidate, Elisabeth Harper, also condemned the Health Minister’s remarks calling it “unacceptable and an affront to women.”
“I condemn his utterances in the strongest possible manner. It is yet another example of how much more needs to be done in ensuring that women are treated with respect and dignity especially by the exemplars of our society.”
She pointed out too, that the incident (between Dr. Ramsaran and Nageer) is not an isolated case but rather is symptomatic of the way “our society can still be at times despite the huge strides we have made in advancing the rights of women.”
“It reinforces my own personal intention and commitment to championing the cause of the vulnerable in our society,” added Harper.




Source: https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2015/04/23/manickchand-calls-health-ministers-abusive-outburst-sexist/

Manickchand condemns destruction of PPP/C campaign material in Region 5

PEOPLE’S Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Region 5 Representative and Education Minister Priya Manickchand has noted that the party’s campaign materials, such as PPP/C flags, posters and billboards, were completely destroyed, ripped down or tampered with over the last 18 hours throughout Region 5 (Mahaica-Berbice).

“This thuggery and bullyism speaks of intolerance for freedom of expression and association that has no place in a 2015 Guyana. It is reminiscent of an era where persons were jailed and killed for holding and expressing a political view. It comes on the heels of embarrassing displays of disorder exhibited by the PNC/APNU/AFC on Nomination Day where rules were broken and people affected,” Manickchand declared.

The Minister at the time was speaking of the recent destruction of campaign materials the PPP/C has faced. She noted that Guyana has come a far way in promoting basic fundamental rights such as the freedom to associate and express oneself but with this behaviour leaves much to be desired.

PPP/C Flags that were previously seen on every post on Milton Street, now only two flags remain
PPP/C Flags that were previously seen on every post on Milton Street, now only two flags remain
Poster at Linden Junction was completely destroyed
Poster at Linden Junction was completely destroyed

“It would be a crying shame if we were to revert to that dark time when our people were intimidated and bullied for expressing their views.”
She stressed that “citizens and the supporters of the PPP/C are asked to be vigilant against this type of behaviour and are asked to report this unlawful behaviour to the police, GECOM (Guyana Elections Commission) and/or the Party if this is to re-occur.”

However, the Minister emphasised that “supporters are specifically asked not to reciprocate this type of behaviour. This is not what we stand for as a party. Let us use this time to discuss ideas and solutions to our challenges and to craft the best way forward for our beautiful Guyana. We will address this unlawfulness and bullyism with our vote on May 11.”

“On May 11th, we must vote to protect the freedoms we have gained and we must vote specifically to prevent us as a people from returning to that horrible time on our country’s history where bullyism like this was the order of the day. On May 11, we must vote PPP/C,” Manickchand urged all.

During the recent Linden Rally, Minister within the Finance Ministry Bishop Juan Edghill expressed the same sentiments as he told the crowd that the supporters of the PPP/C are a disciplined and well organised group and he was confident that his party’s supporters will not reciprocate such behaviours.
At the same rally, President Donald Ramotar echoed the words of his ministers, noting that he had full confidence that his supporters will not take part in such activities. The President said that this sort of destruction will not budge the stance of the party and urged his supporters to vote solidly on May 11 for the PPP/C.





Source: (Rebecca Ganesh) https://guyanachronicle.com/2015/04/14/manickchand-condemns-destruction-of-pppc-campaign-material-in-region-5