Dear Editor:
General-Secretary (GS) of the PPP/C Bharrat Jagdeo knows there is no result that he has seen so far emanating from the national recount that can make him rejoice. At best, what he is doing is managing his concerns and pumping up his supporters into believing the results are/will be in their favour. It is not until the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) advises the Chancellor of the Judiciary of a result declaring a winner, then a president can be sworn in.
His behaviour about declaring the party the winner and swearing in is no more than promotional antics. It is not that he doesn’t know the power in deciding this election rests in the gazetted Order of 4th May. He knows, equally as he knows the said Order was drafted by his Commissioner Sase Gunraj. All Guyana deserves a credible outcome, not by Mr. Jagdeo’s sudden love and respect for GECOM Chair Justice Claudette Singh, but consistent with the Order.
Since he recognises he can call on citizens “to refrain from ad hominem attacks against Justice Singh,” he could have done it before. The brutal attacks Justice Singh suffered in large measure had to do with the tone he set, which dictated how she was treated and viewed. Whether he hit her directly or the organisation she heads, he has hit her. He sought to discredit her in the eyes of the public– local and international– and tarnish a reputation built on judiciousness.
There has been so much rancour during this election process. Even in disagreement he could have maintained some level of regard, but he chose not to. People were goaded not only to disagree but moreso to be disagreeable. At his instigation traditional diplomacy and civil engagement were stomped on. This nation and some of her allies have never before sunk this low. Now he recognises the Chair’s value to society after he had his army of surrogates attack her and the institution she heads, going at her professionally and personally.
He wants us to believe Justice Singh’s presence at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre during the counting and observation phase “is testimony to her commitment to ensuring its completion in keeping with the undertaking that she had given to the court.” The Chair is on record, from the day she took the oath of office, to deliver to this nation credible elections consistent with the election laws, Constitution of Guyana and the judiciary.
Guyanese recall her saying, in the face of allegations against her, that she will not sell her integrity for all the oil in Guyana; that on Nomination Day she told this nation that “I am confident that the GECOM will be able to deliver free and fair elections the only one way I know and that is the correct way.” She must be allowed to do so. Likewise, those who remember are not fooled by the GS that “The recount could not have been completed without her leadership and steadfastness.” Justice Singh’s has demonstrated these qualities throughout in spite of hateful and disrespectful rhetoric.
Jagdeo is no statesman, no caring politician. He is brutish and ruthless. He has set the tone in this election cycle for crudeness and for treating others with disrespect. In true divisive fashion he now wants it to be believed that he cares about the integrity of GECOM on the misguided pretext that “The last few months have been a difficult period where the Chair has had to contend with key elements within the secretariat and the three APNU+AFC Commissioners, who are bent on undermining every effort aimed at producing a credible result which reflects the will of the electorate.”
Having taken upon himself to determine good and bad in society, not based on universally acceptable principles, he pretends to suddenly care; to now recognize that the Chair should be treated with respect. If the GS really wants to demonstrate respect for Justice Singh, let him tell his supporters to await the full execution of the Order and results from GECOM. The mere fact that he has not awaited this and sought to pronounce on who won is disrespectful to the Chair and GECOM.
Many are not fooled. It has finally dawned on Jagdeo, after jumping and prancing all around, that Justice Singh holds the trump, not him. The recount has finished one stage and moved into another of the remaining stages; it is not over. The sudden, feigned overture of love and respect for Justice Singh is recognition that it is not over until the “Iron Lady” sings.
Lincoln Lewis