Dear Editor
WITH the coronavirus pandemic in full swing, many are struggling with having to stay indoors, and, clearly, a subset is not doing well in their new restrictive environs. One such character, whom I doubt is fit and proper to be characterised as such, is our local dinosaur who is way past his expiration date. Today, in anger, he penned a very perplexing missive in the local PPP media outlet, the Stabroek News. The dinosaur, now restricted to eating foliage and not his regular soup, went on a shock- and-awe literary attack on President David Granger. I saw the headline, “Mr. Granger is a hypocrite in all he does,” and immediately wondered if our wonderful First Lady, Sandra Granger, had gone on the other side, namely the PPP. For, surely, only Mrs. Granger would have knowledge of all that the President does. Then commonsense prevailed, and that thought was immediately dismissed. No one walks away from 50 years of marital bliss, an endearing slow hand, and a romantic easy touch. At this point, I immediately thought of the usual suspect who is forever peeping through the windows of the Grangers, so much so that he can confidently report what time they go to bed. But it struck me that he is, most likely, busy reprimanding Irfaan Ali for “came-ing out.” Ultimately, I scrutinised the foot of the letter, and the author was established. It was none other than the Political Prostitute Personified (PPP), Kit Nascimento.
Imagine this dinosaur, with a vacuous credibility, characterizing our loyal President as a hypocrite. It is this unusual characterisation of our President that motivated me to immediately, out of an abundance of caution, do an Online check to ensure that the meaning of hypocrite had not changed. My research established this meaning, “someone who says they have particular moral beliefs but behaves in a way that shows these are not sincere.” Seriously, Kit! It is only prudent that I have a closer look at the dinosaur’s proposition to first establish if he has the moral authority to be casting such aspersions. Please forgive me, but I will have to do a summary because of space and time limitations.
Kit started out as a PNC loyalist and someone who swore allegiance to LFS Burnham at a time before I was conceived. He was so committed that the PPP just had to sneeze, and without waiting for instructions, he would go on a full-scale attack of why he despised them. Dr. Cheddi Jagan was not excluded, as he characterised him as a “communist hypocrite”. This relationship went on for decades, until the PNC lost the election in 1992. And in a wink, Kit unashamedly jumped ship to the PPP, and in the process changed his diet from PNC palm tree foliage to boneless soup. The whole world looked on as the Political Prostitute Personified went on a full-scale attack on the PNC, his previous loyal employers. This charade he carried on for over two decades, until the PPP lost the elections in 2015. And once again, the opportunistic dinosaur tried to jump ship, but a severely arthritic hip made that an impossible task, hence he was stuck with the PPP, who provided his daily boneless soup. Kit was optimistic that in 2020, with the conniving tricks of Mercury, he would have a change in diet to the more expensive crude oil, but, unfortunately, that was not to be. Now facing the end-game, he is hitting out, like a child who was denied a toy, at our President. From the above, it is clear that Kit lacks any credibility to be casting any aspersions, but I will proceed, even though the outcome is inevitable, out of fear of his claiming that I rigged the end result.
Let’s examine the Lady who Kit would rather not excercise her constitutional right. Lady Ulita Moore is not dissimilar to Master Cedric Richardson who was Jagdeo’s front-man for his Third Term case. If Kit’s memory serves him correctly, Jagdeo was running around Guyana, lying through his teeth that he has no further interest in public office. While saying this, he was simultaneously paying millions to have the CCJ overturn the Presidential term limits, which would have paved the way for him once again being the PPP’s Presidential Candidate. That, rightfully, failed, but he then selected two puppets as the PPP’s Presidential Candidate, so that he can be the de facto President. Kit, isn’t that hypocritical?
Then Bharrat was on record, while he was President, as saying that GECOM is an autonomous body, and only they can determine the nature of the verification process. Now, recognising that he will be opposition leader for life, he has changed his position to argue that GECOM is no longer autonomous, and our President can interfere with their work. He is also now saying that he can determine the nature of the verification, and not GECOM.
Kit, isn’t that hypocritical?
Then, while Bharrat was President, he banned all State ‘ads’ from Stabroek News, because they had caused him to place them in his black books. Now, Stabroek News unilaterally terminated their contract with this Government, then went on a bawling spree that it is a repeat of Jagdeo’s actions. Jagdeo came out with great condemnation of the Government. Kit, isn’t that hypocritical? Kit, you know that Jagdeo is the most hypocritical politician in Guyana, but you would rather give him a pass; reason being that you are the mouthpiece of the PSC, which is an arm of the PPP. Unlike Ruel Johnson, you are not so stupid as to bite the hands that feed you. Then, we all know about the 1997 elections, and what the PPP did. In essence, they defied a court order and swore in Janet Jagan as president. Now, today, we are facing similar circumstances, and Kit and the PPP are saying to the APNU-AFC that they should not do what they the PPP did in 1997. It is clear, from our President’s actions, that he is staying on the right side of the law, something that PPP did not do in 1997. Kit, isn’t that hypocritical of PPP?
Kit, you are now having a go at Lady Ulita Moore for exercising her constitutional right. When Anil Nandlall’s driver did it a few weeks ago, on behalf of the PPP, he was considered a private citizen and not PPP. When Cedric Richardson did it on behalf of the PPP, he was considered a private citizen and not PPP. Now Lady Ulita Moore is exercising her constitutional right, the party she allegedly supports is being used to define her. She is considered APNU-AFC. Kit, get yuh notebook out and jot this down for future reference.
That is double standard, sexist, and hypocritical! So, with your double standard and hypocritical position, you have placed the blame on Mr. Granger for what a private citizen did, even though it is her constitutional right. You wish for Mr. Granger to breach the Constitution and demand that she abort her case. You wish for him to be unconstitutional.
Sounds familiar? Mr. Granger now has to carry the blame, even though it was he who invited CARICOM, and was working overtime to have the recount. Kit, while you are at the blaming game, why not blame Mr. Granger for the Coronavirus which started in China? Why not blame him for climate change? Why not blame him for global warming? Why not blame him for the rising sea levels in Guyana? Everyone is seeing through both the PPP and yourself. Our President is beyond reproach; you can’t find any negative labels for him, hence you manufacture one. You will fail! You have failed! You are a big hypocrite! The PSC is a pack of hypocrites. The PPP is a cohort of hypocrites. Roy Beepat is a hypocrite. Try focusing on those, and leave our President alone.
In concluding, I would say this. Kit, you have established yourself as a pen and mouth for hire, once the price is right. Based on the evidence, you are likely sexist. You are likely racist. A black woman should not enjoy the rights that the Constitution states that she should have. You are an unapologetic hypocrite! A big hypocrite; a hypocrite who says what he is paid to say, and not what he genuinely believes! I know the burden of being a hypocrite is getting too much for you. That is a problem of your own making. Don’t try transference techniques to place it on the shoulders of an innocent man; a man who is beyond reproach; a man who is loved by all; a man who is the President for all of Guyana and not the oligarchs like yourself!
Dr. Mark Devonish