Mc Intosh, others masquerading as ‘guardians of democracy’ must be brought to justice for inciting violence

Dear Editor
It was my son who first drew attention to a certain Bryan Mc Intosh’s rantings and ravings; but dangerous actions of incitements that hurled threats at prominent Guyanese, inclusive of high-ranking state officials.

One wonders whether this is the same citizen, who years ago, made daily appearances as a health advocate, on one of our more popular TV channels? Whoever he is, his language was a clear call to unmitigated violence, the kind that is reminiscent to anarchy which acts have often led to horrible internecine violence.

Editor, Guyana, since 2015, has seen the media, being able to operate in an environment that accords respect for the upholding of free speech and the right to such expression; and individual citizens who have also been able to embrace this right in an uninhibited manner. So much so, that the Mc Intoshs and those of his ilk can continue to hide behind such human rights, using it for ends that can only described as impregnated with dangerous portents that threaten the fabric of peace and the welfare of the nation and its citizens.

At best, it was another call to violence that was unmistakable in its challenge to the State, a particular behavior that has been manifested in various forms and disguises, which include the threat of death, from a West Coast Demerara resident to the person of the president, apart from being accused of racial incitement and fomenting ill will against the president. There has also been the matter of the attempt to assassinate the president, apart from other acts that should have attracted prosecutorial actions.

In the first instance quoted, there is no jurisdiction in which such an offence has been committed, and clearly proven, that would not have attracted sanctions. In fact, there is no American or other citizen that will make such a recorded threat against the person of the POTUS, without inviting a prompt visit and all that it will entail, from the US Secret Service.

Though one may want to understand, the seeming magnanimity of the state in not taking the matter of the threats against the president to its most appropriate logical conclusion; not doing so, may have conveyed the mistaken impression, or illusion of a state that is in a state of inertia or hesitant to take action against those guilty of extreme forms of behaviour. I would hasten to say, not so, since every state has coercive power in every sense of its meaning. However, the Granger administration has fashioned a different understanding of the Rule of the Law and the use of the arms of the State, responding to untoward situations. This is what the ‘’badman’’ style of the Mc Intoshs do not comprehend, apart from the fact that his cretinous mind, have been sadly disappointed by a refusal of citizens to respond to his dangerously retarded expectations. No one, who advocates, encourages, or incites violence, by issuing challenges to mortal combat, and referring to ‘’guns’’, can be considered a “guardian of democracy’’. Such self-ascribed title, is an aberration of the tenets of democracy, and a desecration of its time- honoured values. Those who masquerade in its seamless robes are guilty of a most dangerous heresy.
And neither is there a defence from McIntosh, as a reason for such dangerously inciteful language, since as he is clearly acting for and on behalf of undemocratic political elements – those who own the ‘’dogs of war’’. They are not democrats by any stretch of the imagination, as their very recent actions would remind us all. One hopes that Retired Brigadier Joseph Singh is making note of another canine, and his vicious snarls/cum intentions.

McIntosh is simply advancing sale of an incendiary laced quantum, for which there are no buyers. But he at the same time, while being reckless with the hopes of inciting violence, must understand that he is releasing demons which in such known scenarios often return to haunt the initiator.

One hopes, too, that those social media trolls who have taken to mouth their worthless crap, that the relevant authorities have every and all right to detain any citizen, inclusive of their so called ‘’badman”/’’guardian of democracy’’, for ascertaining the reasons for his call to violence. There is every reason for charges to be laid. I would be most surprised if this is not done; for there are laws in our country, and its anarchic offenders must be brought to book when these are violated.

Carla Mendonca
