Dear Editor
WHERE AS in 1926 trade unionist Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow led the light of One Man Vote in the 21st century given what is happening today the light is for One Man (foe Credible Yott. As a trade unionist, I zealously guard the legacy of tbt vote we fought for. From the inception of the count being challenged I stated the maturity of the vote must be preserved. Letters were written to the effect and a visit paid
on 31st May to the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, during the National Recount exercise, where a statement was read, restating that position. Today I repeat the call for the creditability of the vote to be safeguarded. It must be One Man One Credible Vote.
People are taking Guyanese to make them fools. At this point for us it must no longer just be about an election, about who wins and who loses. If as general principle the court can intervene to straighten out the process then the court must do so to protect the integrity of the vote. If the first instance of suspected fraud in Region Four was not sanctioned !here is no logical way the massive fraud found during the recount exercise can be acceptable.
None other than GECOM Chair Justice Claudette Singh noted “grave irregularities” were found in the recount exercise. The fact of the matter is the first count, though technically appearing flaw-less with results that were declared, cannot pass muster owing to the revelations in the recount. Yet persons are expecting us to sanction the fraud in the count or the recount and the court has so done resulting in an appeal being heard now.
Fraud is fraud! Shame on GECOM and the courts if these two bodies cannot find a just way to fix the problem but choose instead to add their own chaos. Shanie on those officers of the judicial system who instead of upholding the integrity of be their served profession see for justice as justice best to served by maxing an unlawful act lawful, rewarding its perpetrators. We must not accept this!
lf our courts cannot deliver for Guyana, if GECOM commissioners cannot come together and agree on what is right, the Chatr upholds the highest principles of justice by settling for nothing less, the President must ensure by pronouncement, if necessary, that Guyana is not placed under siege by local politicians, business and other interests, as well as by unscrupulous international community, all of whom seek nothing more than to ravage and exploit our resources for their own purpose. By virtue of his office as Head of State, he shoulders the responsibility to protect and preserve the state, its laws, values and all the people.
None must be party to injudicious acts, compromising the credibility of the vote. ln the words of U.S Civil Rights icon Rev Martin Luther King Jr, and in this period when we commemorate Emancipation and the valiant struggle of our ancestors, “The time is always right to do what is right.” Workers across the length and breadth of this country, regardless of who they supported in this election, must not give assent to any effort that would tarnish what we fought for and must now safeguard.
In this period of our history, it is not only about ensuring the vote but also protecting the integrity of the vote. lf we go ahead with this election we will be telling our children, the youth and future generations that there is good thiefing and bad thiefing- good rigging and bad rigging. This must not be the new standard, the new low we are prepared to stoop to be accepted by others or not have our visas revoked.
Given what we witnessed in those opened boxes we cannot truly say the people have decided who leads Guyana when we cannot confirm One Man One Credible Vote. It is time to restore law, order and decency to this society. I have fought for these values in our society for years, I have stood ground for everybody; Black, Indian and all other races, hinterland people, and coastland, regardless of who they be and wherever they are. Regardless of political persuasion.
TODAY, I say to you, MY FELLOW GUYANESE, now is the time to let the powers that be know that our society will not be further corrupted by lies and kangaroo justice. It is we the people who will SUFFER MOST FROM this new low, this new lawlessness. Others will stay from afar and condemn us as we destroy each other and this society.
Lincoln Lewis