Pompeo’s statement seeks to undermine law, order and due process

Dear Editor
THE threat by Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, of visa revocation for government officials (elected and appointed) comes as no surprise. His behavior, overtime, could be associated with the culture of ‘might is right.’ This thinking tramples the rights of citizens, the welfare of nations and any who dare follow a contrary path. In this environment, wrong is right and right is wrong depending on who is doing or saying what to whom, when, where and how.

That today Guyana is in the United States’ bullseye, and our democracy ridiculed by someone who is known for demonstrating intolerance for laws and institutions if he considers such hindrance to his agenda, silence is not an option. Whereas in the U.S there remains strong respect for law and order and this gentleman will continue to be met with resistance when he seeks to flout them, Guyanese must too assert ourselves.

I refuse to believe Pompeo was not properly briefed or failed to take the time to acquaint himself of the progress Guyana has made in resolving our election impasse. And whereas he has sought refuge in silence when some approached the court, his vocal opposition when others do so is not lost on us. This is much, much more than elections playing out before our eyes, for if the U.S truly seeks democracy in Guyana, its top diplomat will respect the institutions that safeguard democracy. The functionaries in these institutions will be allowed to execute their task and held to account consistent with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana.

Instructively, on the very date (15th July 2020) the High Court commenced hearing on the electoral law and Order 60 of 2020 in helping the GECOM to arrive at a definitive declaration, the Secretary threatened visa sanctions. This is not an accident. The action is deliberate and properly timed to seek to undermine the only branch of government that has thus far remained independent, ruling in favour of both sides. The threat is designed to cast doubts on Guyana’s institutions, intimidate us, and threaten key players tasked with responsibility to deliberate and function consistent with our laws.

Secretary Pompeo, by his statement, has set out to undermine law, order and due process which America stands for. Guyanese, home and in the diaspora, are being called on to reject this undermining of Guyana’s democracy. Raise your voice in condemnation of the assault.

Lincoln Lewis

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_07_17_2020