PPP and their sidekicks are half stepping on Region 4

Dear editor,
I DO wonder if you or the reader can add some clarity to my thought processes, as I try to gain an understanding of the PPP and its sidekick parties.

Let’s for a second place ourselves in the position of a fictional farmer by the name of Mr. Common Sense. You see, Mr. Common Sense had twelve Holstein cows. For the last few weeks an unreasonable and shameless bandit has been stealing Mr. Common Sense’s Holstein cows. Now Mr. Common Sense, who lives on a remote farm without electricity or CCTV, was informed by his neighbour, Mr. Snitch that an unknown bandit would arrive between 8am and 12pm, when Mr. Common Sense is at the local market to offload his produce. The bandit would then lure a cow onto his tractor trailer before he hurriedly makes good his escape, along the dirt road.

Mr. Common Sense, recognising that he is down to his last cow, made a decision that 8am-12pm is the time he would, with a fully loaded shotgun, await the cow thief. So bright and early at 6am, Mr. Common Sense positioned himself in the shrubs, to give the bandit a very unpleasant surprise. Like clockwork, the bandit turned up at 10am. Under the threat of being shot, the bandit surrendered, the local sheriff was summoned and the bandit arrested.

Now let’s examine this scenario.The PPP and its sidekick parties were crying about everything, Mr. Mingo, the RO for Region Four, did. They cried about the commonly used spreadsheet, despite it was used for eight of the nine regions, six that they won. As a result, Mr. Mingo used GECOM’s SoPs. They cried that they wish to see the tabulated votes that Mr. Mingo has on the SoPs. Mr. Mingo got a projector and projected the SoPs unto a screen. Before they ultimately walked out, they cried that they cannot see the serial numbers on the SoPs. Mr. Mingo rightfully declared APNU+AFC as the winners of Region Four after tabulation of the ballots. This declaration triggered a 12-hour period for PPP and their sidekick parties to challenge it, which by law would have resulted in the ballot boxes of Region Four being opened and ballots recounted. Like Mr. Common Sense, they knew this was their last chance to prove electoral fraud, as they were all crying. It is clear that Mr. Common Sense took his time seriously. He was there two hours early, awaiting the bandits because he recognised that it was his last chance. Clearly, the PPP and its associated sidekicks were not that serious. All eight of the parties submitted their applications for a recount out of time. Not one presented themselves at the stipulated time. I will quote GECOM verbatim. “RO denied request for recount, since none of the parties adhered to the statutory timeline to apply for the appointment of counting agents. In this regard, no counting agent was duly appointed for any parties and only acounting agent can request a recount.”

Mr. Editor, the new fad or what I would describe as the new foolery is to sleep in front of the Arthur Chung Conference Centre (ACCC) to guard ballot boxes. Mind you, the ACCC has more CCTV’s looking at it than that presently in all of London. Also Freddie Kissoon, the government critic, neighbours the ACCC. Freddie is forever peeping through his windows looking out for God knows what. The last tim the AFC had a conference at the ACCC, Freddie Kissoon wrote a few gossip columns on what he saw when he peeped through his window, at the wee hours of the morning. With this knowledge, Lenox Shuman, the de facto leader of the PPP sidekick parties and other PPP sympathisers, had no reason to be sleeping in front of the ACCC to guard ballot boxes. I say this to make the point that if the PPP and its sidekick parties were serious about a recount of Region Four, they would have all slept in front of GECOM and as soon as the doors were opened, they would have rushed in with recount applications in hand. That never happened.

It is clear that the PPP and its sidekick parties are all, using hip-hop vernacular, “half stepping” when it comes to the recount of Region Four. They know that the contents of those boxes will end their narrative of rigged elections. They rather that not happen since they are in election mode, campaigning for 2025. They are foolishly sleeping in front of the ACCC to guard ballot boxes is essentially to dramatised their narrative of protecting the boxes from further rigging. Mind you, the ACCC is also guarded by policemen and women along with the million of eyes that traverse the Railway Embankment. PPP and its sidekicks are not serious. They should not be taken seriously. They are a set of attention-seeking Drama Queens.

Dr. Mark Devonish

Source: https://issuu.com/guyanachroniclee-paper/docs/guyana_chronicle_epaper_03_19_2020