Dear Sir,
I was watching the televised recount of the General and regional elections. As i looked at the zeros piling up for the other looked at the zeros piling up for the other parties, l wondered about that. Did that actually pay to be part of this process? ana did they actually expect to get more than their own vote? There were eight political parties contesting the General and regional elections, subtracting tbt two behemoths you have sir groups masquerading as political parties. These jokers were traveling at enormous speeds to get registered, that did not ring a hell with anyone? What! Was it considered just a sick joke? It must be noted in some countries political parties ban to prove that they have enough numbers to be called a political party, and even to part take in an election. Did these. people reach the criteria?
(I) Apolitical party is a social structure created to meet the needs of people in a changing social and economic society.
(2) Political parties are supposed to play the major role in a pluralistic system in mobilizing the popular will to guide the national leadership.
There Two {2) Functions are:
A political party presents alternative policies to the electorate political parties act as organised opposition to the party in power. Here we have some people with their lustful motivation of self- interest, who joined either for pride or profit, and I would gamble !he latter. Who are these people? Is your thought process that easy? Well since they have put themselves out front I would think that we ought to know a little more titan just rank and serial number. Like how did you get into this in the first place, and who prompted you? Did you have an idea of what you were in for? Was their appearance just to muddy the waters? Could they seriously think that they (whoever they are) as a better job running. this country? Its incredulous Are they toss-up. politiam? Well in Guyana politics that’s a toss-up. But is that it?
Our Caricom sister or brother states like Trinidad; population 22.8 million, political parties two (2). Jamaica POP 3 Mil, parties two (1) Canada Pod parties five(%) America pop 328 Mil parties three (3) Guyana pop 779. parties eight (8).
To enter the fray the new political parties have 10 get 300 members signatures, that is eighteen hundred signatures. I wonder how much a signature cost? Then there is the 65 members for the house, with 300/o being women. Did I fail to mention the deposit?, which would stand to reason that they would have to have a sponsor, a deep, deep pocket Sponsor. The talk is how the PPP. spent some 39 Michael, to gel their talk show going. But in the Big country money that is only 35 Towels and some change and even though they ‘skirting’ right now, that is still chump change. Therefore it had to be us, and that is plenty, plenty money, to use and come up empty handed.
There is no way that some fly bY night political parties could be a part of the General and Regional elections without help, and substantial help also. With 39 Michael to play with we all could make a comfortable guess as to who bankrolled them. Taking into consideration a retread politician who disguises as a writer for one of the ‘rags’ said that there was a 6% (voters) outside the main who were looking for a new political home. Would tl1at be a collective 6% or a singular 6%, whichever it is, it’s definitely a hand shake (set up) for one of he minions to piggy-back right into the big house- compliments of the PPP.
While the anomalies pile up the PPP in their usual “we got this” cavalier style relies on the lies and propaganda put out against the coalition, by the daily trumpeters of who continues to imply that what is published showing their underbelly is not factual. 1l1e chief sleuth of the PPP boasted in a letter, how many are behind their cause, because their fight is for democracy· DEMOCRACY? what is democracy, that his fight is about. “One Man, One Vote.” (and don’t go thinking that its more than that) we got that so what is the problem? The sleuth said that the world is with them, he named names and organizations that will willingly give assistance if needed. But all he did was to name the usual suspects. One thing he forgot to name is the people with the franchise, we Guyanese, and how we use it.
Presently we art dealing with the recount and Covid 19, and also tbt scrums of the Carter Centre because they did not make that cut. Why art they so gun-ho about returning to Guyana? Do they have the magic bullet? Yes they do. That is why tbt pleadings are so strenuous. They were supposed to come and put credibility to the whole coalition rigging campaign and that magical word “SANCTIONS would reappear, forcing our surrender. Unfortunately for them however with the assistance of Covid we were able to make the NO more emphatic. What we should and suggest is that when they are observers and scrutineers that in their own elections, we will welcome them back.
Milton Bruce