The opposition wanted a recount and a recount is in progress

Dear Editor,

WALTER Rodney, even though hr was never elected to any office, remains a beacon that still lights tbt way for us who still have a conscience, a sense of right and wrong and the courage to speak the truth. I was elated when Rodney’s voice, the beacon of truth, was kept alive by our daily newspapers as they published factual missives about the exploitation of Guyana during the PPP years. But what happened to these editors

who ban now skewed their perceptive as they publish baseless allegations as facts? 

On May 24, 2020, two of these news­papers, like concerted twins, published the same nine hundred-word letter that distorts President Granger’s response to the question. of accepting the result of the recount. 

First. President Granger responded to this question as recently as May 17, 2020 when one of these newspapers reported Granger’s response: “Whatever declaration that GECOM or the Chamnan of the Guyana Elections Commission gives will be regarded as legitimate.’· l:nstead of accepting President Granger’s response and noting it for the record, people still insist on stoking the fire of discord by publishing letters that maliciously ignore and misconstrue the President’s repeated and affirmative response “as President of Guyana and Leader of he Government, ii is my pol icy that any declaration coming from the Chairman of GECOM will be accepted by the Government of Guyana·

The opposition wanted a recount, and a recount is in the process. Wait for GECOM to product the recount’s results, and let the opposition answer the same question with which they have been bad­gering tbt president: will tbt opposition accept the results if it is against their wishes or will they continue to shout groundless allegations as facts? And if you, newspaper people,, art truly the bringer of light to our nation and not promulgators of sophistry, please publish this letter.


Stanley Niamatali
