Dear Editor,
GUARDIANS of democracy, they have claimed to be; democrats, always pretended they are; and its tenets they have always been erecting as a false front behind which they and their cohorts of anti-nationals have continued to inflict grievous wounds on this nation.
For these undisguised anti-nationals to have brought us to a point where efforts are now being made to complete not merely a national recount of all the ballots cast on March 2, but also a forensic audit to determine the validity of each vote, and the question as to the credibility of the electoral process is a manifest account and survey as to their attempts to derail the democratic process, which, although they preached from their forked tongues they never practised, because they never believed in its time-honoured values.
There is no question that the type of recount that is ongoing is to establish the truth of the March 02 electoral process; and this seemingly brought about paroxysms of fear for the PPP’s legal officer, Anil Nandlall. His tone of statement, carried in the media, questioning the need for opening the envelopes, and the problems which such action was going to trigger totally betrayed the sense of someone very mortified, realising then/now that the ghosts of PPP/C’s electoral fraud were going to emerge. Remember, this was/is the very senior PPP/C functionary who has been making out a case, along with colleague Gail Teixeira, that what was at stake was the fight for democracy in Guyana. What a claim! What a sham! What a deception, and Region Four SOPs thrown to all those who wanted to be duped!
The fact that Nandlall’s instant initial objection to the thorough analysis that had been gazetted to take place emphatically betrayed his and his party’s deceptive talk of being democrats. For there was no mistaking that his seemingly fearful expression conveyed the fact that there was a lot to hide in those ballot boxes, as criminal electoral acts had taken place. And, this, despite his keeping up appearances of bravado of declaring that his party has nothing to hide.
This is utter bull; poppycock, apart from a gambit to deceive! One only needs to follow closely all of his strategies, inclusive of subtly attempting to bully the GECOM into ignoring what its gazzetted Order had stipulated. His latest act of desperation, of threatening Court action against the electoral body, subscribes to an all-out bid to thwart the GECOM’S mission of uncovering the PPP/C’s acts of electoral fraud.
As to the other so-called Guardians of Democracy, those voices of deception who have each had their masquerading clown’s dress brutally pulled off from their false persona, they have been expectedly silent, not out of shame or disbelief that their political horse’s false mane has been PUBLICLY uncovered, but because THEY HAVE ALL BEEN UNMASKED.
In closing, and as a reminder to the Nandlalls of this world, genuine democracy means, among other things, the all-out effort to reveal the truth, unchecked and unfettered, with a view to unearthing the facts. Further, its practitioner(s) should always want it to be their shining light for honesty and transparency, since, in pursuit of democracy, there must be no objection and fear. This is what the on-going recount is mandated to be all about; establishing of the balloting truth of March 02. No more or less. This quest has caused all the rigging ‘jumbies’ to be released; and they are frightening the hell out of the entire Robb Street cabal, including Nandlall. No amount of ritual of whatever type will ever force them to return to their ballot-box enclaves. Let them continue to come forth.
Carla Mendonca