Dear Editor
The present election laws were visited upon the Guyanese people by Jimmy Carter, Desmond Hoyte and Cheddie Jagan there was no discussion, no referendum, no consultation with Guyanese. Some have opined that Carter brokered a type of power sharing agreement between the party leaders allowing Jagan to govern then Hoyte, we may never know, however, we have seen the results: 23 years of strife, discontent, narcotic trafficking, murder, mayhem and general disenfranchisement of most Guyanese. This treaty is directed to Guyanese youth who have most to gain from the abandonment of this failed system and the adoption of an electoral system that puts Guyanese first and revive hope and prosperity in our society.
The Carter-brokered election law scrapped overseas votes, disenfranchising millions of Guyanese. Guyana, thanks to LFS Burnham is known to have very liberal rules for citizenship: great for a developing nation. Carter, Jagan, Hoyte said no: overseas Guyanese cannot participate in the electoral process. The law also provided for counting at the place of polling, requiring that the witnesses receive a copy of the Statement of Poll (SOP) and further a copy of the SOP must be posted on the door of the polling station. It should be clear then that by 18:30 hours on Elections Day the votes are counted, and the results posted. What is the fate of the SOP after the polls are closed? What is the role of GECOM? The answers to these questions are at the heart of the problems we face today and the issues that have stifled national growth and development for more than two decades.
As Guyanese we are well aware of our nation’s incredible potential for growth and development based on our natural resources, we are also aware of our strategic location on planet earth which has spared us earth quakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters however dishonest politicians have been devastating to our Guyanese dream of self-determination and self-reliance so beautifully articulated by both Dr. Cheddie Jagan and LFS Burnham . Elections in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2015, 2020 have all seen a simple play book. Rigging, rigging, more rigging and rigging again. 2020 and 1992 featured overt meddling by USA State Department.
First of all neither of the two main parties have tried to educate the electorate regarding the Carter-brokered election laws and subsequent amendments or what is their role in complying with the law or what is their role in seeing that the laws are upheld. Case and point today we are engaged in an unlawful recount and even the accommodation purportedly signed by the two leading parties have no place in the law.
ONE: Any objective review of elections since 1992 will demonstrate that the will of the people has been subverted and manipulated again, again and again. The opposition party (PPP) is busy saying to the incumbent we outsmarted you therefore we should govern. The incumbent party (APNU+AFC) is saying to the opposition why should we allow you to govern when there is clear evidence that the will of the people was manipulated.
Note to the Guyanese youth: there are some on both sides who sincerely believe it is their inalienable right to rule Guyana. That is truly a dangerous concept. Regarding elections in 1992, the first attempt to implement the Carter-brokered law, in a Letter to the Editor (March27, 2019) Hamilton Green said, “Mr. Editor, let me recap briefly some events of that fateful day for the records, and for the benefit of the likes of Mr. Sharma.” “On Election Day 1992, with members of my family, I arrived at the Lodge Primary School to cast my ballot. Afterwards, three persons approached me, I remember one’s name, a Mr. Moore, a lady who had just started a small funeral service, and another female”. “They were all armed with their identification cards, but when they approached the poll clerk, their names could not be found. They confirmed that they had checked, and that their names did appear on the list posted earlier on the lower flat of the said school.” “I confirmed this and called the Chairman of Elections Commission to report this situation. He immediately dispatched the Deputy Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Stanley Singh, who noted the discrepancy in the list being used by the Poll Clerk. He removed the list that was earlier posted at the school, and after identifying himself, he advised the poll clerk present to use that list instead.
” “The poll clerk said that the instructions they received was to use only the list given to them that morning. Recall that GECOM supplied lists to certain areas late on Election Day. In areas of West Demerara and Georgetown, the lists arrived after 6:00 hours, resulting in some cases, voting starting after 6:00 hours.” “In moving around the city, there were similar situations, Ruimveldt, La Penitence, and other areas. Concerned that it was apparent that many of our supporters were being denied their right to vote, I approached President Hoyte and told him it was clear that the list generated, we understood, at the instance of the Carter Center was seriously flawed, and that he should use his authority to abort the process.” His reply, and I have one witness still alive to this conversation, was, “Let the chips fall where they will.” Later, along with Dr. Reid, they began advising persons that they should utilise the opportunity to vote, using a ‘Tendered Ballot’.” TWO: “I understand that this was the advice of a Carter Center operative on the ground that day.” Following the 1992 elections, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States increased their aid to Guyana.
U.S. assistance had ceased in 1982 due to economic and political differences with the Burnham government. The duped voters in Georgetown assembled at the elections commission office on Croal Street, seeking redress. Dr. Reid, PNC Party elder spoke to the commission and to the crowd to appease the now vocal crowd of duped voters. It was widely felt even among PNC supporters that although it was appropriate and decent to play fair it was totally unacceptable for the electoral process to be hijacked by Carter and Jagan except of course if Hoyte was part of the arrangement and accommodation. At GEOCOM with less than 50 per cent of the tabulation process complete and in face of widespread irregularities, PNC Leader, Desmond Hoyte, returned to the media and conceded defeat.
Carter Center reported that the elections were free and fair. For many, the Carter Center intended that the election was fair for the PPP to rob the PNC or perhaps that was the arrangement brokered by the three ‘wise men’ at the expense of the right of the Guyanese people to choose their own democratically-elected government without coercion. For the people of Guyana this represented another chapter in their long history of manipulation and imposition of rulers on the people against their will. This trick was called the Alpha Split. For the peace-loving people of Guyana, Carter, Hoyte and Jagan lost all credibility and peace will come to Guyana when the last of their influence has dried up. It was widely reported at the time that the PNC lost Dartmouth Village, Essequibo Coast. It seemed to many at the time that a challenge to the election results could subpoena the electorate in the village and have them swear under oath how they cast their ballot. In one lower East Coast polling district there were more votes cast for the PPP than eligible voters.
December 15, 1997 with the PPP in charge of the machinery and GECOM the opposition had no chance. To begin with Dr. Jagan died and Jimmy Carter went to Jamaica to observe elections. Whatever agreement was made in 1992 only Desmond Hoyte was at the table. Can you imagine the PPP honoring whatever accommodation was made between Hoyte, Dr. Jagan and Carter? Philomena Shury, the PPP representative on GECOM, wrote an opinion piece in the Chronicle explaining the process of selecting the returning officers in Region Four insinuating that whatever was wrong with the SOP in Region Four was the fault of the PNC chosen returning officers; in other words, blame the victim. This time there was no alpha split, however, there was significant stealing of the smaller party votes. Mansoor Nadir of the United Force contributed that he and his wife voted together however on the SOP for that polling station UF was awarded one vote. He recommended on December 16, 1997 that the ballot boxes be opened and recounted immediately.
PPP and PNC blocked the initiative both submitting that there was no such provision in the Carter Brokered election law. Ms. Janet Jagan was sworn in at a private ceremony. PNC challenge to the election was thrown out of court on a procedural finding by Chief Justice Desiree Bernard. After weeks of demonstrations in Georgetown a poll audit was suggested as a compromise. Hoyte said on January 1, 1998 “Poll Audit meaningless now”. Ms. Jagan handed over to Barrat Jagdeo, it is fair to say few Guyanese had heard of Jagdeo before he became President of Guyana. This is not a concept supported in modern democracies. Guyana should move away from electing a political party and move towards electing an individual who would be properly vetted before he installed as President.
In ensuing years, elections followed a similar pattern whatever was the will of the people the incumbent was one step ahead to subvert that will. Election 2001 and Election 2005 installed increasingly corrupt PPP administrations; Georgetown, the Garden City, capital of Guyana, the seat of power was deliberately defunded. Clogged outfall channels, clogged drainage canals, flooded avenues, abandoned buildings at various stages of construction represented the legacy of twenty-three years of neglect. Under PPP’s watch Guyana became a leading narco-state from daring midnight drops, transshipment by boat and aircraft and desperate citizens acting as mules Guyana became a major world player in elicit drug trade. One feature of growing up in Guyana, our parents would never let us bring anything home we did not leave home with. Now consider during the PPP regime there was a cultural transformation where grandmothers became the keeper of elicit goods. Roger Khan, a convicted felon testified in Federal court in Brooklyn NY that he regularly paid the salaries of teachers and nurses with drug money. He further testified that weapons coming to Guyana for the Guyana Defence Force had to first stop at his place so he can have the first pick.
What about the Phantom Squad? How many Guyanese were terrorised by this murderous gang of tugs for how long? Then there was Rondell “Fine Man” Rawlins widely viewed as a Guyanaese supper villain. Murders were attributed to Fine man in East Berbice, Buxton and Bartica all the same night. When Fine Man was brutally gunned down after he was no longer useful, his mother was quoted at his funeral, she said, “Rondell dead all crime in Guyana done”. There remains a long list of disappeared men and women and unsolved murders from Monica Reese to Ronald Waddell; it bugles the mind that after five years of the APNU+AFC none of these criminals and their enablers were brought to justice. Elections 2015, David Granger put together a winning collation with a resurgent PNC, former PPP and other concerned Guyanese. Elections victory was not without dispute again the will of the people came into question. Three days after elections were completed and counted at the place of polling. GECOM Chairman Dr. Steve Surujally hesitated to announce the winner. David Granger came forward announcing his collation had won by 30,000 plus votes. GECOM announcement came later confirming victory by less than 5,000 votes separated the two parties. What became of the 25,000 votes? Guyanese never saw the Statements of Poll of either party. Jagdeo complained bitterly the focus of his irate was former President Donald Ramutar, Jagdeo’s point was that Ramutar should not have conceded. What dramatic irony? Today Jagdeo submits that David Granger should concede.
APNU+ AFC administration (2015 to 2020) restored Georgetown, modernising the International Airport, and more importantly brought order to Guyana. Narco trafficking has decreased considerably, crime in on the decline, criminals are on the run and there is hope on the horizon. With prosperity in sight enter election 2020. PPP, their riggers plus an expensive public relations firm with ties to the most corrupt American administration in American history is trying to convince Guyanese youth that Guyanese voted to empower Roger Khan, Phantom Squad, and Fine Man again. Guyanese people are being told to believe that they voted against their best interest to put the cat to watch the hen house and if we do not revert to a narco state we will face American sanctions. A false choice between sanctions and anarchy. The audacity of Jagdeo and PPP/C to wish sanctions on Guyanese because they were not allowed to get away subverting the will of the people.
THREE: The ballot boxes are now being recounted: illegally. Traditionally PPP did most of their rigging in regions five and six however the auditors will confirm in the 2020 election the rigging was more widespread to include region two, three, four and others. Conclusion Democracy requires democratic institutions to support rule of law, civil liberties, rights of minorities and the electoral process.
Repeated Guyanese governments have failed to establish and cultivate these institutions therefore we are always starting over, at extremely high cost to the economy. Going forward there are constitutional issues that must be resolved, we need to reform the electoral process including the political parties with a view towards addressing the politics of race, and politics of religion understanding that Guyana is for Guyanese including those in the diaspora. The government must empower and fund a broad commission to look deeply and urgently at these issues and to recommend and institute change promptly. Perhaps the solution is a national front government formed by a collation of the present parties however, that will not work unless it is grounded in law. The danger is creating another cabal to rape and pillage the country. Prosperity is on the horizon however, unless we are united, one people one nation one destiny, others (Exxon) will seek to exploit our divisions to their advantage. There is enough in Guyana for every Guyanese but for generations of dishonest politicians, Guyana has suffered. With good governance all Guyanese will be healthy wealthy and wise.
Stand up David Granger, Guyana needs you.
Michelle Baptiste Disenfranchised Guyanese