Verify voters’ whereabouts

Dear Editor,

I MUST thank you for publishing my letter on the implications of the foreign diplomats’ active involvement in the elections aftermath debacle at GECOM.
Please, once again, permit me to throw in my penny’s worth to the issue of our elections credibility.

For a process to be deemed credible, it has to pass certain litmus tests from beginning to end. So, here is my suggestion for a litmus test: All Party agents and several of GECOM’s staff at a given Polling Place would have been armed with a copy of the OLE for that particular Polling Place. Am I not correct? As an elector casts his/her ballot, his/her name is ticked off by all persons so armed. Am I not correct?

Well, let us go back to those lists to ascertain a few things. We have to assume that once a name is ticked off, that that elector did cast his/her ballot on Elections Day.

1: We must then ascertain the whereabouts of each elector on Elections Day. That is to say, if Mary Paulin voted at Shulinab, was she in Shulinab on March 2, 2020? Obviously, if she was in Brazil, she could not cast her vote.

2: Similarly, if Joseph Marco was in hospital on March 2, 2020, and he voted, then a valid ‘proxy’ had to have been produced to enable someone of his choice to vote for him. If a ballot was cast in his name, then the ‘proxy’ has to be produced.

3: Again, if Juliet Casimero voted, but it was discovered, during the litmus test, that she is dead, then we must ascertain the date of her death. Obviously, if she died before March 2, 2020, then it would be impossible for her to vote. During this exercise, we must have the database of Immigration and GRO at our disposal to cross- check every name, inclusive of the Database of the Guyana Prison Service and any other database that will show where our citizens were at any given point in time.

If, as I suspect, we have discovered any person voting who was not supposed to vote, then the entire process would have lacked credibility; not just the count. If, as I suspect we will find in abundance, certain names who voted on March 2, 2020, who were nowhere near Guyana, then we would know that a certain Pompous Political Party certainly engaged in Electoral Fraud. Once this is discovered, then all their other claims will be void.

The results of this exercise will then be shared with the International Observers. I know the exercise will take time, at least three weeks, depending on how much resources we throw into it; but we have already waited three weeks for a result that the other Parties want to go a certain way. So, another three weeks should not be a problem, as long as we get to the bottom of this charade. At least, we will know for sure who engaged in fraud. This is so necessary, since there were reports of Party operatives in possession of large quantities of Identification Cards. My suspicion is that that was not an isolated incident. Let the verification of persons’ whereabouts begin. As I am on, I wonder why has there, up to now, been no condemnation of the post-elections violence by the International Community, the PSC, the GCCI, and other otherwise vocal Civil Society. I am still wondering why no one has come out in indignation at the obvious arson committed at Bush Lot, WCB. Can you imagine the noise that would have reverberated around the world, were these acts committed by APNU+AFC supporters?
Just wondering.


Carl Parker
