Dear Editor,
WITH each day that the recount/audit of the March 2 elections continues, the findings of that process are pointing increasingly sharply and emphatically in only one direction and towards one conclusion: the elections were fraudulent.
Since the PPP did everything it could to prevent a recount, and, now, considering the PPP’s continuing efforts to stymie investigations, not to mention the defensive posture that the PPP has now adopted regarding the accusations of electoral fraud, one may reasonably conclude that the unquestionable fraud was masterminded by that party. Editor, all of that is well known; the point that I wish to make here is: patriotic Guyanese simply cannot accept the result of fraudulent elections.
Article 9 of the Constitution of Guyana states that, “Sovereignty belongs to the people . . .” In other words, it is the people who owns political power. That same Article goes on to say that such power is exercised through elected representatives. The fact that those representatives should be fairly (not fraudulently) elected is self-evident. It follows that electoral thievery and fraud must not be allowed to stand; the people — in whom sovereignty resides — must necessarily reject any and every electoral thief and fraudster. We, Guyanese, simply cannot surrender our sovereign power to electoral fraudsters.
It has been reported that, so far, it has been found that more than 220,000 votes are compromised by fraud. Evidently, considering the size of our electorate, even if those compromised votes were discounted, that number of compromised votes would exceed any margin of “victory.” Further, 220,000 votes is simply too large a number to be summarily discounted, and, let us not forget that the recount/audit is far from complete.
Editor, where that leaves us collectively, may be for GECOM to decide. What I can say, though, is, as a citizen of this country, I cannot in good conscience accept the outcome of fraudulent elections, and, I believe that every fair-minded, clear-thinking, patriotic citizen must, without any doubt, share that logical opinion and principled conviction.
Troy Garraway