GECOM Chair’s lens is not blurred by ethnicity

Dear Editor,
THE very strong and captivating statements made by the Coalition that is now in the public’s domain concerning the credibility of the March 2, 2020 elections, coupled with the insurmountable evidences provided to the Guyana Elections Commission has certainly begun to worry the opposition parties of the PPP/C.

Most of the camouflage small parties of the PPP, and many of their financial contributors are concerned that their collective plot is failing, and all of Guyana will know of their intended heist of our democracy through fraud.

Mr. Editor, it is quite evident that PPP/C and its cohorts really don’t want the truth, of their systematic and methodical rigging of the people’s will to be exposed. The PPP’s new Jadgeo version and likely successor, Anil Nandlall, whose popularity threatens their party’s maximum leader, speaks about court actions that will likely come against GECOM, if the attempt to ascertain the truth and legitimacy of the Coalition’s claims.

Is this chap for real? Is the PPP serious about good governance and truth? Has their unquenchable desire for power at all cost distorted their conscience and decency? Mr. Editor, the Coalition has provided evidence of 1,261 persons who voted in the place of migrants, while 315 Certificates of Employment were missing, in addition to 284 poll books.
Additionally, it alleged that 143 persons who had no form of identification, voted without taking an Oath of Identity, while 40 persons voted in the place of “dead persons”. At the time, there were reportedly 40 unstamped ballots and seven missing Official List of Electors (OLEs), hence, the recount is still in process, and more revelations will be unearthed.
Mr. Editor, with all these claims and the hard-core evidence, it means nothing to the PPP/C and its voiceless shell parties. Why is that? Is it because they know what they did? How can it be explained that a large percentage of the Joint Services were deliberately spoiled on a technicality, by not being intermixed and stamped with the six- digit stamp? What is evident is that these occurrences appear more normal in clusters of the PPP support-base. Have you heard the PPP’s military candidate commenting on this very important issue? Why not? It does not fit their narrative.

It is important to note that the PPP’s public display of confidence that is punctuated by their version of the truth and distorted facts, presented by their attention-seeking spokespersons who appear to be in competition to sell themselves as worthy PPP leaders, is nothing more than theatrical performance for the cameras. On the ground, the reality is vastly different.
I have been working at the ACCC, where the national recount is taking place for the past several weeks, and I can assure our supporters and the wider population, local and in the diaspora, that all is not what it appears to be for the PPP; they are literally afraid of this recount and what is being uncovered.

If one were to psycho-analyse and compare the leadership of the PPP who are present daily at the ACCC to their agents in the respective work-stations, one can see two different realities. Jadgeo has been masterful in being able to sell to his leadership, his workers and his supporters a dream of a victory, and even some in the business community and the international community were victims of his deception.

Some, however, with each passing day, are unwillingly waking up. His financiers and all those who were comforted by promises are becoming more and more aware, with our evidences provided and from those working in the tabulation room, getting a front view of the true reality of things, are now taking a different language. Mr. Editor, it would be remiss of me not to highlight the false impression the PPP/C attempts to give of the Chairman of GECOM, the CEO, DCEO and the administrative staff as grossly misleading. The GECOM’s Chairman, Justice Singh, is a woman with regal grace, much strength and tolerance to engage these prolific hypothetical characters who berate her publicly, and in the “absence” of the cameras and their penman, they frequent her office, like spoiled little brats, for God-knows what. It’s mindboggling!

The chairwoman has indeed demonstrated a tower of strength and leadership in the face of unwarranted criticism, abuse and a Judas-like behaviour of these individuals. The question is: Why? Is it because she is not a push-over woman, or it is because her name is Singh?
It appears quite obvious that the PPP expects a certain adherence to their whims and fancies, because of the woman’s ethnicity, hence there unscrupulous, Machiavellian behaviour. This is a woman whose lens is not blurred by race nor ethnicity; she is for principle, truth and justice. Anyone who is honest will accept the view that this strong Guyanese woman has always allowed her actions to be guided by her command knowledge of the law, and her unquestioned integrity and belief in GOD.

The chairman has demonstrated she is her own woman; a strong woman who will not be bullied by anyone; not by any loud-mouth Commissioner who has a forked tongue, and wants to speak on her behalf, nor by any lawyer from any political party who purports to be the font of knowledge of the laws. The majority of Guyanese, local and in the diaspora, have confidence in Justice Singh’s ability to do her work justly. We will continue to pray for her.

In addition, Mr. Editor, the public, and, more specifically, the supporters of the PPP must know that what is being said of the CEO, DCEO and GECOM’s staff, who have felt the brunt of criticism due to the intentional spread of misinformation by the PPP/C, is not the true reflection on the ground. The level of professionalism, guidance and decorum of the secretariat of GECOM, from the janitor to the CEO, is jaw-dropping.

With that said, I am compelled to enquire from Mr. Timothy Jonas, a spokesman for a sub-set party of the PPP/C, how did he come to the conclusion in his very perplexed and discombobulated statement of opinion. I quote, “Now I have no confidence in the secretariat; we know who their members are: CEO is Lowenfield, next one down is Roxanne Myers, the next one down is Hetsberger. I don’t know these people personally; I have seen their actions, I have seen their conduct, I think we all can agree that none of them voted for the PPP,” unquote. Mr Editor, this superior intellectual seems definitely to be a confused individual; he is more interested in the affairs of the PPP/C than the party, ANUG he supposed to be representing. Mr. Editor, I’m reminded of the American literature, the character of Prometheus who speaks the phrase: Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad, in the poem, “The Masque of Pandora” (1875), by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Mr. Editor, in the final analysis, it would be prudent for all of us to allow the recount process to take us wherever those revelations and the substantive evidence may lead. Guyana and the world must know the truth of the depths the PPPC went to steal these elections.

Jermaine Figueira


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