Chief Elections Officer carried out his constitutional mandate

Dear Editor,

THE  buy nuisances formed as little so called political parties but which have been ever since exposed for what they really are, shameless surrogates and conspira­torial pathetic mouthpieces of their minder, the PPP/C, are now displaying their usefulness as ugly co-con­spirators io the grand tapestry of elect oral fraud. 

Not satisfied with their criminal role, whether as accessories to or after the fact, of what has been proven to be a massive electoral fraud carried out by the PPP/C in their strongholds, and inclusive of voter impersonation among the varied types, their minions, in tandem with a member of the PPP/C has recently filed private criminal charges against CEO of GECOM, Keith Lowenfield, alleging fraud and misconduct in public office. 

How much more bare­faced can these electoral fraudsters be, in seeking to accuse a constitutional office holder of the very charges which their fraudster-in­chief party the PPP/C, has committed, as evidenced by the fraudulent evidence found in the ballot boxes? It is difficult to compre­hend the logic behind this latest assault on the con­stitutional functions of the GECOM, except that it is the commencement of another shameless attempt of whip­ping up hysteria, using the little Ilea-beeps for creating the disingenuous effect of a massed effect. 

Now, another cubby hole political neophyte, Guyana Chronicle, July 06, “Shu­man calls for Lowenfield to be dismissed” – so badly seeking a place under the deceptive umbrella of the PPP/C, is the latest to join in the renewed assault on the GECOM, by demanding in a letter to its chair, that she terminate Mr. Lowenfield’s employment, citing the “loss of public confidence” among some nebulous but also libelous accusations, which is sure to attract subsequent suilt-in response.

It becomes even more preposterous, when among the fraudulent-to-the core accusations, is one which accuses the CEO of failing “to provide clear written instructions to the Presiding Officers on Poll­ing Day with regards to safeguarding documents.” But this accusation, without any merit, but which could have only emanated from one, whose primary aim in politics is about power, rather than what could be done for the people, was taken to another ridiculous level, with the following” lHe] willfully attempted lo disenfranchise 115,000 + voters by wanting to invalidate said number of votes, exercising authority that is not vested in him and beyond his remit in interpreting the Appeal Court’s Ruling and acting contrary to said court orders.” He went on to describe the above as “contrary to the directions of the Commission and was an act of insubordination.” 

About the safeguarding of documents: It could have only come from a similarly dishonest mind, which is in agreement with the massive fraud perpetuated on the GECOM. It cannot escape one’s intentions that what is being inferred in such a brazen lie is the claim that the CEO did not plan and execute a proper training exercise for those SENIOR POLLING DAY OFFICERS. It is a red herring that stinks to high heavens, which should be taken by such a political liar, and deposited where it was hatched: 

If it is, that this political cretin is contending that the CEO, had IQ be physically present at all those polling places on the lower East Coast where an almost 50 boxes were found without their statutory documents, so as to remind them about the need to ensure that each ballot box had to be accompanied by ALL their necessary mandatory documents. then he is wicked in his contrivance of an accusation that is without any merit, especially when it is known that all those officers mentioned for polling day duties, were trained extensively, with many oftl1em being veterans of past election exercises. And this is apart from the fact that that THEY WERE ALL GIVEN OPERATION MANUALS FOR POLLING DAY EXERCISES AS A FURTIIER GUlDANCE. And if this vile accuser, is insisting that all those ballot boxes were denuded by human error, then he is further accused of being a pernicious liar, propagating -out of his political minder’s cesspool; since throughout the electoral districts, there was found well documented evidence of statutory documents being deliberately removed, for fraudulent reasons  in PPP/C constituencies, undermining the electoral process and its integrity. 

This victim of political Munchausen, must be reminded that there has been no disenfranchisement of any voter in the manner of his very crooked accu­sation being made against Mr. Lowenfield. Hrs ac­tions have been guided by his constitutional dictm, which dictates that he pres­ents VALID VOTES ONLY. This mandate, BECAME EVEN MORE IMPERA­TIVE WHEN BOTI-1 PRES­IDENT DAVID GRANGER AND OPPOSITION LEAD­ER, BHARAT JAGDEO AGREED TO A TOTAL RECOUNT, WHICH BE­CAME EMPOWERED BY ARTICLE 162, OF THE CONSTITUTION. This fact. GECOM had been reminded of, by the Appeal Court, when it printed to the wide powers that the constitu­tional body embodied, to remedy any difficulty which may arise out of the electoral exercise. 

One is therefore certain that this political amne­siac, is well aware of the Gazetted Recount Order. Number 60 which became operationalized, with the mission of determining the CREDIBILITY OF THE VOTES CAST, AS TO THEIR FINAL VALIDITY. And with an appeal to THE COURT OF APPEAL, on the question of THE MORE VOTES CAST MOTION, WHICH RESULTED THAT IT OUGHT TO NOW BE “MORE VALID VOTES CAST’, IT MEANT THAT TIIE CEO I LAD TO SUBMIT A RE­PORT TO REFLECT TIUS FACT; AND NOT THE INJTIAL FRAUDULENT NUMERJCAL RECOUNT THAT HE HAD BEEN INJTIALLY ORDERED TO GAVE. The latter has been the criminal mantra of the Lennox Shumans and the PPP/C. IT CAN NO LONGER STAND. 

To have done otherwise meant that the CEO would have been disregarding the orders of the Appeal Court, which would have brought him into serious conflict, CONTEMPT, with its ruling, while also colliding concomitantly with his constitutional instruction of reporting on VALID VOTES, ONLY. 

These accusations from this fly-by-night political ,leader/cum PPP/C political satellite are every bit evident or his and others of similar dissolute morality, that it is quite normal for a political party and its president to be elected to government by fraudulent votes; a fact which is not permissible in accordance with the constitutional pow­ers vested in the CEO, Mr. Keith Lowenfield. 

The tactic, is now one of demonizing Mr. Lowenfeld, and the GECOM. It is a strategy that has been used continuously by the PPP/C and its despicable nuisances. It is a shameless continuation of the desper­ate bid for power. One only has to refer to the multi mill ions they have spent for the purposes of fake news, and misinformation. But the truth, no matter the numerous dark efforts to obfuscate and stifle its emergence, always rises. Keith Lowenfield’s only sin is to reveal the truth of his well put together Report on the March 2 constitutional exercise, first made known on June 14. 

To all those who now seek to besmirch his pro­fessional and constitu­tional functions, because of clearly dishonest mo­tives which impugns the meaning of democracy, and electing the executive by way of electoral trans­parency, must know that their accusations are best laid at the devious door­steps of those who are the known architects of such a disdainful plateau.


Earl Hamilton


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