Small parties urge swift declaration

criticise CEO for delavs

SEVERAL of the small parties that participated in the March 2, 2020 elections on Friday urged a swift declaration of the results of the polls, even as they criticised the chief Elections Officers for holding up the process. 

On Friday, the CEO, Keith Lowen field, instead of submitting an Elections Report, sought clarity from tl1e Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh, on the basis that the request for the preparation and submission of that report collides with the Constitution of Guyana and the Representation of the People Act. Justice Singh, on Thursday (July 9), had instructed the Chief Elections Officer to submit the Elections Report in accordance with Article 177 (2) (b) of the Constitution and Section 96 of the Representation of the People Act, Cap I :03 no later than 14:00hrs on Friday(July, 10).

According to the instructions of the OECOM Chair, the report ought to be compiled using the valid votes counted during the 33-day national recount as indicated on the Certificates of Recount. But Lowenfield said there was need for much clarification, and tl1ough he met with the Elections Commission at GECOM’s High and Cowan Streets’ Headquarters, there was no report. 

In his letter to Justice Singh, the Chief Elections Officer said having read the judgment of the Caribbean 

Court of Justice (CCJ), it was imperative for him to have a clear understanding ahead of the preparation and submission of the report, to safeguard against any action deemed to be unilateral. ll1e CEO eventually submitted his report on Saturday and the commission is to deliberate on it on Monday. 

Despite expressing frustration over the matter, The Citizenship initiative (TCI) lauded what it said was the effort of Justice (ret’d) Singh to move Guyana’s election process swiftly along to its conclusion. “We note with concern, however, that it now appears that the Chief Elections Officer is unsure of how to comply with clear directives received from the head of the Commission. This position has forced The Chair to now reissue her request a third time. TCI is of the opinion, that with previous elections experience under his belt, the CEO is more than aware of how his job should be done. In light of this background, the CEO’s action can possibly be construed as insubordinate action against Madame Chair.” 

The TCI posited: “We posit that Guyana’s constitution in article 161 A (I) gives the Elections Commission responsibility for the efficient functioning of the Secretariat, and appointment of its officers. The Commission therefore has the power to remove and to exercise disciplinary control over such staff. Section 18 of the Election Laws Act No 15 of 2000 stipulates that the CEO is subject to the direction and control of the Commission.” 

TCI proposes that should CEO Lowenfield appear to continue to be reluctant or perhaps even appear unable to efficiently complete his duties as per deadline issued, that Madame Chair exercises disciplinary control as the case may warrant. “TCI respectfully requests this action from the Commission, for efficient functioning of the Secretariat and so that its work may be completed in a timely manner. We are now operating on a limited budget during a pandemic and our people require assistance and only a legally elected government can offer assistance to them. It is time to bring the curtains down on a protracted electoral process in order for the country to move on,” the TCJ stated. 

For their part the leader of the United Republican Party (URP) Dr. Vishnu Bandhu called for the sacking of Lowenfield. Dr. Bandhu emphasised that the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) ruling was clear and the Chair needs to act accordingly if her instruction continues to be disobeyed. 

The New Movement group said Guyanese and the International community have witnessed yet another vile attempt to derail the declaration of the winner of the General and Regional Election (ORE). “This, we will say, does not sit well with the members of The New Movement and deli nitely not with the people of Guyana who we represent. Today marks the one hundred and thirtieth ( I 30th) day since the people all across Guyana went out to exercise their democratic right. Within this one hundred and thirty ( 130) days period, much twiddling and unceremonious fondling of the law has occurred via the incumbent government’s members and even Guyana Elections Commission’s (GECOM’s) employee, Mr. Lowenfield.” 

The party said just this week on .June 8, 2020, the highest court of the land, the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), came to a. united decision and banded down specific order tha.t related to the GRE 2020. “The specific court orders discredit and nullify the Court of Ap peal’s. (CoA) ruling and also discredit and nullify Mr. Lowenfield’s report be bad promptly submitted on June 23rd, 2020 following the CoA’s orders. Mr. Lowenfield bas acted Ultra Virts on numerous occasions and bas done so once again today, June 10th, 2020 after ht was written to with specific instruction from his employer, (;ECOM on .June 9th, 2020. His very actions bas held an entire nation at ransom and snatched tbt people’s democratic freedom. Mr. Lowtnfield bas bun noted to peddle an erroneous statement in June 2020 saying that be is not bounded by the directives of GECOM but bas stated publically in 2019 that it was GECOM who by constitutional order, instructs him.”
