The Chairperson can act only on the advice given by the CEO

Dear Editor 

IN a situation that inflicted blows of indecency, our understanding of democracy and human rights, one of our elders in 1953 stated, and I quote, “this confounded nonsense must stop.” 

This morning, I listened to case management discussions that took place in the high Court and this statement came to mind. 

I am a simple man, and there is no need for me to venture into intricacies and technicalities which exist as members of the legal profession seek to advance a case for their respective clients. 

In every system, the vital ingredient to ensure the wholesomeness and man­ifestation of our laws, our constitution and the smooth running of our society, is the manner in which those persons placed in authority discharge their responsibilities. 

If such persons are consumed by greed, prejudice and an inability or failure to properly and faithfully do their work in accordance with laws, regulations and even time- honoured traditions, we are in serious trouble. 

I believe like the rest of Guyana, we looked forward to a settlement of the 2020 elections during the first days of this week. 

After the declaration by the chief elections officer (CEO) a fortnight ago, there were grumbling and rambling in exercising their right, two of our leaders sought the in­tervention by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). 

Many of us, including reputable attorneys, felt the CCJ could not intervene, since our Appeal Court was considered the final arbitrator in matters related to elections. 

Nevertheless, the CCJ made a judgment and a pronouncement. 

Some of us were perplexed, since we felt that the CCJ had exceeded its mandate, but as a disciplined nation and particularly the government side felt compelled to accept the ruling of the CCJ. 

On the other hand, those who invited the CCJ seemed to have a strange myopia and are telling their supporters only part of the CCJ’s judgement and ignoring the written 

judgement, which in essence disregarded the recount vote, with all the conditions at­tached to the agreement, signed by Messrs. Jagdeo and Granger. 

This is sad, since history has shown that massive damage has always been the result when persons place in positions of leadership peddle halt truths. 

But let us get back to the gut issue. 

The chief elections officer was requested to produce a report on the 2020 elections to determine the winner. 

After difficulties arose as a result of his initial declarations, the CEO was again requested to produce a report to identify the winner. 

Because of intervening events the CEO sought the guidance of the GECOM chairperson. This was not forthcoming. The CEO acting as a professional should prepared and presented his report to GECOM via its chairperson. 

The next logical step was for the chairperson to present that report and make arrangements so that the winner could be announced and the head of that list sworn in as President. The law is crystal clear. The chairperson can act only, and I wish to repeat only on the advice given by the CEO. 

Instead of doing only right and proper things, the chairperson issues unaccept­able directions to the CEO to use the results of the recount process. 

The chairperson’s letter made no reference to the number of anomalies and apparent fraudulent transactions uncovered during the tedium of the recount.

It may not surprise any one if the more effective thing to be used at this stage may be assistance of the medical profession (psychiat­ric et al), to bring some sanity to the state. 

Guyanese are fed up and tired of this stressful tug-o­war. 

Our laws and constitution are unan1biguous. 

If you are unhappy with the CEO·s proposal, then after a President is sworn in, those concerned elements in society will have access to the courts by way of an election petition. 

For me, end of story. 

One wonders whether there is a larger plot afoot to destabilise a government and to dislodge a President that has scrupulously respected the constitution and our laws. Recent history in Lat­in American, Africa and parts of Asia has witnessed how the Cold War and other circumstances were used capriciously to destabilise sovereign states and as I said elsewhere, to engineer the three Cs, Corruption, Coups and Confusion. 

Today, we also note the statement by Mr. Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, announcing sanctions against officials of the government. 

The Granger administration has always expressed re­spect for the Government and people of the United States. I always made it clear, that I regard the US as a useful ally and friend. 

It is rather mysterious such strong statements should purportedly come from a high US official. 

This government has never even commented on US elections and stayed clear of commenting and allegations of meddling by external forces which took President Trump to the White house. 

It is after the 1776 Declaration of Independence, the 1812-1815 Anglo-American war, the Jim Crow laws, the Mason Dickson line, the 1863 civil war and the epic struggle of the 20th century civil rights movement that within the US administration, there are remnants of a philosophy, which believe that the Phkes of President Granger and members of the coalition government are no more than folks whose proper place is in the slave quarters in the US and elsewhere. 

But what is troubling, is that the propaganda blitz seemed geared to install a regime that has never been believers or supporters of the American system and political leadership and seems to either ignore or perhaps for­get the many anti-US stances of the present opposition. 

We can give many examples, but to be reminded of the vitriolic address by a then PPP government minister at the US independence anniversary in 2014, which coincided with the farewell of the US Ambassador. 

At that function, the PPP minister launched a verbal assault against the US Ambassador and his government. 

The irony is that the main body of the address which earned the chagrin of the PPP was the PPP hierarchy accusing the US Government of interfering in the internal affairs of the Guyana Government. 

Those of us who were present were so shocked, we felt that the following day we would have seen an apology from the PPP government, but instead, the head of the Presidential Secretariat de scribed the harsh remarks as a ‘feral blast.’ 

In contrast, the Granger-Ied government in dignified diplomatic language expressed surprise and reminded Mr. Pompeo that the coalition has in no way interfered with the work of GECOM, but more importantly, the process to declare a winner of the 2020 elections for whatever reason is incomplete. 

ln essence, Mr. Pompeo’s statement is at best precipitous and based on misinformation. 

The present government, since it took office in 2015, cooperated with the US Government to tame the narco trade which flourished under the PPP Government. 

lt’s the American Government which captured Shaeed Roger Khan and took him to tl1e US to face the jus­tice system. 

They overflew Guyana, knowing fully well that the then government would have protected and given Roger Khan and his ilk sanctuary as they did for many years. 

Mr. Pompeo should know it is the same PPP administration that sought to use a dis graced police officer Bennard Kerik to take charge of the Guyana Police Force. 

Thanks to the vigilance of the US administration, this gentleman like others are now behind bars in the USA. 

lt is this government that reversed the PPP’s stance of non-cooperation with the United States in security matters. 

I recommend to those within and. beyond our bor­ders to digest the philosoph­ical underpinnings contained in the literary gem titled, “The Challenge of Democra­cy” written by Janda, Berry and Goldman published in 1987. 

This was a review of the American system of gover­nance. 

It seems to me that congratulations are in order to the PPP, Cambridge Analytica and the Mercury outfit for doing an excellent job at propaganda, making Adolph litter’s Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945) seem rather pedestrian. 

Be reminded that the vast majority of Guyanese at home and abroad with passion cling to the words found in selected lines of the Song of the Republic “Her children pledge each faithful hour to guard Guyana’s lands and the second stanza states, “Unyielding in our quest for peace like ancient heroes brave, to strive and strive and never cease. With strength beyond the slave.” 

All we ask is for the rule of law, mutual respect and above all, unity.


Hamilton Green
