Dear Editor,
THE People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) has no moral compass, as they allowed, their presidential candidate Irfan Ali to lambaste, the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change, for holding onto power by using COVID-19 as the excuse; the same PPP/C, declared that the coalition had fabricated the first COVID-19 case, to distract the Guyanese people from the results of the General and Regional Election 2020.
The National Coronavirus Task Force has stated that the Guyana Elections Commission must adhere to procedures hat follow guidelines established by the World Health Organization, in the fight against the dreaded coronavirus. In this grave time, the task force is permitted to instruct the constitutional body, on the risks they are allowed to take during this unprecedented period, as the national recount commences, for the protection of all personnel involved; including your members, that will convene at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre.
The A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change government has not been shamelessly occupying the seat of government, we have been depicting good governance, during a vital interval in world history; as the members of your party took injunctions before the court to prevent the legitimate winner of the current elections to be so adjudicated and the legitimate President sworn in; this could have been done weeks ago, but it was you, the People’s Progressive Party /Civic that has not allowed democracy to prevail, it is you, that continue to sabotage the process and then run to media outlets and lie to the people. Your leadership has flip- flopped on so many on the current issues before you, I would shudder to think the type of leadership you would bring to the Guyanese people.
This is a pandemic, one of epic proportions, and the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic, would choose this period to play politics; not only politics with the lives of the persons who will be hired to complete these activities, but politics with the wider Guyanese populace. The presidential candidate, in his comments, has shown the proposed way in which they would lead this country, not continuing the reformation of Guyana in the past five years, but to take us back to the lawlessness of their leadership for 23 years.
Sir, it should be noted that COVID-19 is not a national cataclysm perpetrated and concocted by the coalition, but a global pandemic that is not only affecting Guyanese, socially and economically; but the entire world. It is the entire world, sir, that is going through job cuts, depression, hunger, anger and you would pull a stunt, purporting that the coalition is an illegal group hanging on to power, the audacity of you, to refer to the coalition in that manner; they are leading the fight against COVID-19 with limited resources, a government that has weathered every storm so far, amicably.
Sir, the decision has been made for the recount to commence, something that you are mortally afraid of, and the COVID taskforce MUST, outline the conditionalities that GECOM operate under; it is not a means of sabotage, it is a means of keeping persons healthy and ultimately saving lives, again this decision was not made by a single person, but a task force that was specifically set up to ensure rules pertaining to the alleviation of COVID-19 are followed; if this was not so, the learned, Retired Judge Mrs. Claudette Singh, would have never written to the task force for guidance with specific requests.
Mr. Ally, I admonish you, sir, you are totally out of line, the two entities are both aware of their mandates, and with the Guyana Elections Commission following the guidance of National Coronavirus Task Force, they will complete the national recount in the shortest possible time, if the Chairperson, states 10 work stations, she is working with the advice of professionals adhering to social distancing principles, unlike your members, that continue to make unilateral decisions and then force it on people.
We have a National Recount to complete, and we have a deadly pandemic to defeat; Can we do it? Yes, we can!
Moving Forward Together!
With Regards,
Douglas Charles Gittens