Nandlall’s cheap politics

Dear Editor,
I am compelled to write this letter in response to a Demerara Waves article under the screaming headline: GECOM`s Alexander plotting to scuttle the recount, use existing declarations- Nandlall.

The article lacks any evidence of the plot and is hinged on the contention that “… we heard Alexander arguing that the infamous declaration made by Mingo is legal, although every international and local accredited observer team, the political parties, the diplomatic community, CARICOM and Governments of the ABC countries have all condemned it as fraudulent.”

Well well! I never made any specific reference to Mingo`s declaration. So, from the very inception Nandlall adopted a deceptive posture.

Since when does the declaration of individuals or agencies determine legality? No court has ever pronounced on Mingo`s declaration. I hold no brief for it and was never provided an opportunity to comment on it in the normal course of proceedings at GECOM.

If public pronouncements were the standard for determining legality/guilt, Nandlall would have been placed behind bars, by public opinion, for his alleged thief of State property, the law books. Here is an officer of the Court descending to fake news, of his own creation, and the desecration of the Rule of Law in the practice of cheap politics.

That cheap politics has become the order of the day is manifested in other acts of Nandlall and his cohorts. Here are a few instances: GECOM directs its CEO to prepare a plan based on its guidance. The CEO complies, the content does not find favour with the PPP and the CEO is publicly chastised by Nandlall and others for a specific submission that was derived from the CEO`s interpretation of a submission made by a PPP nominated commissioner.

Unbelievably, the Commission is requested time by one commissioner to submit an amended version. The permission is granted. A cut and paste copy of the original document is subsequently made and the next thing we hear is Nandlall claiming the submission to be the PPP`s. Yet Commissioner Gunraj in his latest Press appearance seeks to assert his independence.

In a similar manner, he asked for time to review the draft Order, no sooner was Nandlall discussing the Order in Social Media and accusing me of trying to scuttle the recount. What is more amusing is that Gunraj`s initial submission (“AND WHEREAS the Guyana Elections Commission had decided to set aside all such previous declarations made and in the exercise of its own deliberate judgement, undertake a complete recount of all the ballots cast at those elections…;) (author`s emphasis) also recognised the existence of 10 declarations, albeit a failed attempt was being made to set them “aside”. Yet I am accused of plotting, as if I am the one seeking to make the Order legal in pursuit of an ulterior motive. The Declaration has never been declared illegal.

In a similar manner to which the amendments to the plan was politicised, Gunraj returns the next day with ten motions to reopen discussions on approved elements of the plan, and the Order, which motions Jagdeo subsequently claimed to be PPP/C motions. Not to mention the vile comments that are triggered and encouraged on social media as a consequence of the crass cheap politicking which now surrounds anything that GECOM does which defies the documents originating from the PPP/C.

I hope that the telecast which found it prudent to report that I had not responded to Nandlall`s baseless accusation, finds it fitting to acknowledge this response.

Vincent Alexander
