Guyana’s betrayal is what is causing the damage, Ms. Teixeira

Dear Editor
FOR Ms. Gail Teixeira to surmise that it will take several years to repair the damage that she claims has occurred from the current impasse, is as misleading as it is dedicated to paint a totally false picture of Guyana.

Firstly, her statement(s), always false and primed with lies in typical communist mode, suggests that Guyana is in a failed-state process, in which all its organs of state, especially law and order, can no longer deliver functions and services for the daily governance of the state and people.

It needs not be mentioned that this is far from the truth. The fact, now exposed to the entire world, is that Teixeira’s political party, the opposition, has coalesced with various external forces, assisted by a high-priced public relations firm Mercury LL, in a plot of regime change, that seeks to not only remove the incumbent APNU+AFC from government, but also used the national elections in which it has committed widespread fraud, in its efforts to return to government.

Editor, as is well known, this plot, well financed with funding from the friends and cronies of the political opposition, has as its undisputed background, the well-known plan of cornering the nation’s oil and gas resources, not only for the long-term interests of foreign concerns, but also for the benefits of the well-known domestic clique that have been beneficiaries of the spoils from the former political opposition party regime of governance. Further, the events that have been unfolding in Guyana, where for the first time, Guyana has found itself, the centre of international concern from some sudden/overnight concerned groups, personalities, tells its own unique story, especially to Guyanese. Its subterranean machinations, no doubt premised by the promise of stakes in our oil and gas resources, reminds one also of the Berlin Conference in 1884, when the nations of Europe had gathered in the German city to divide Africa among themselves. One can, without any fear of contradiction, conclude that it is a price, at the expense of a nation’s future well-being, which the political opposition has been prepared to barter, in exchange for returning to political power, mounting a massive, faked PR and dirty misinformation to besmirch the coalition government.

Of course, it has been using the March 02 electoral exercise, which it has rigged in massive proportions, and a national recount exercise, as a result of such, but which has unearthed in full glare the vile electoral fraud that has insulted the will of the people. Ms. Teixeira should explain to the forces contracted by her party, in its quest for regime change, why do they continue to run, yes, literally run from the detailed formula of the Gazetted Order No 60, which ordained that its process must result in identifying the valid votes after an exercise to determine credibility. Her party, no doubt has totally mislead all and sundry about the Gazetted Order No 60 and its mission, and has been dishonest in avoiding the latter, seeking to detach one aspect of the Order, from its main end product of validity. It is this array of electoral dishonesty which the coalition government, by right, is challenging at court. Further, it is its right to do so, in keeping with due process.

Therefore, Ms. Teixeira, it is your party, in its now exposed conspiracy against the Guyanese people, and supported by highly scandalous lies, which has been causing the damage you have been parroting in that sad mockery for a print medium, the GUYANA TIMES. The nation has been betrayed by your party.

And as a further reminder to this grand lady of PPP/C propaganda and dangerous lies – it has been the David Granger administration that has removed Guyana from the state of being a pariah; delisting Guyana from the money-laundering black list, in addition to placing a dent in human and narco-trafficking; just a few of the major repairs that have been done since May 2015.

Aditya Panday
