Show some leadership PPP/C

Dear Editor,
In a time of crisis a leader is expected to lead. A leader is expected to show leadership. A leader is expected to carry the weight of the Nation on his shoulders. A leader is expected to unite. A leader is expected to console; Consoler in Chief.

For over two painful decades, we saw with our own eyes all that is wrong with PPP. The victimization, the harassment, the discrimination, the trumped up treason charges, the narco-state, the extrajudicial killings, the corruption evident in many of its leaders presently in front of the courts. A party that was trusted to build a nation but rather used their position of trust and power to rob and destroy a country; Enriched themselves they did. The mansions in Pradoville are constant reminders.

This painful past must have been on the minds of the electors as they cast their ballots. How can they forget, it ended a mere five years ago. The psychological scars are very much raw. The mothers who had their sons snatched away by the hands and bullets of the phantom squad [are]still grieving. Their electoral fraudulent acts divided the nation along ethnic lines. This division is not unexpected during the time of election. What is unexpected is the depth of the ethnic chasm.

And so this is evident in our nation. This is evident on social media. This is evident in the printed media. This is evident on our streets. The racist name calling. The violence in the PPP strongholds. The misunderstanding of each other which results in verbal and physical aggression. All are symptomatic of a divided nation. A time to demonstrate leadership in uniting a divided nation. A time to remind one and all of our national motto, “One people, one nation, one destiny.” This should be paramount for any leader under these circumstances. Healing a nation which has gone through four months of electoral, psychological and physical trauma.

Sadly, the PPP does not see it this way and we are not surprised. The’re careless about healing a nation. That’s not on their agenda. That was never on their agenda. A sniff of victory was all it took for them to show their true intent. A sniff of victory was all it took for the black books of names to come out.

Sleepless nights Bishop Edghill threatened the public servants with. And sleepless nights many did have. Sleepless nights for they were reminded of those painful 23 years; their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder brought to the fore. And even as they went to work dejected and bleary eyed, Bharrat Jagdeo reinforced the Bishop’s vindictive threats. Our first female Vice Chancellor, Professor Paloma Mohamed on their hit list. The Professor beyond reproach, apolitical and a servant of her country despised by men who are not fit enough to be ever mentioned in the same breath with her. Who are these characters? Why are they so blood thirsty? Why are they so vindictive? Why are they of the conviction that Guyana is theirs, inherited from their parents?

By now all Guyanese felt under threat. Fear compounded their sleepless nights. Fearful of the future under the PPP. Surely it should end here. Recognition that the masses have suffered enough. Recognising that the people were tethering on the psychological brink. Sadly, this was just wishful thinking on our part for Anil Nandlall demanded to have his say. And what he said was not an empty threat. Were not veiled. Was an emotional dagger for the suffering masses who are also battling COVID-19. For this is what a PPP leader had to say. Many will have to flee the land of their birth to be rescued by America and CARICOM countries, under a PPP Government. I have paraphrased his utterance but clearly encapsulate the dastardly utterance of the man.

So, at a time when a nation needs to be united, the PPP agenda is to widen the division by seeking vengeance on innocent people who they wrongly perceived to be their political enemies. Many would not take their threats lightly. Many did not give them a vote of confidence which is evident by them resorting to massive electoral fraud. The International community would never live under a PPP regime. The International community has never lived under a PPP regime. We did. Guyanese have. Respect the choices of the electorate. If only these painful past were enumerated in those ballot boxes, I’m certain that APNU+AFC would have won by a landslide. It is time that our divided nation be united. PPP modus operandi will only widen that chasm. Probably that is their intent.

Dr. Mark Devonish
